SUB GROUPS OF LATE ADULTHOOD Young old—ages 65 to 74 years Middle old—ages 75 to 84 years Old old—ages 85 to 99 years Elite old—ages 100 years and older
Question What is the current estimated percentage of individuals older than 65 years in the United States? A.13% B.18% C.22% D.35%
Answer: A Rationale: The percentage of individuals older than 65 years in the United States is about 13%.
Age seems to creep up on us without warning. Jerome Tisne/Iconica/Getty Images pictures1.htmare
Average Life Expectancy ( ) Listed by the United Nations Average Age Males Females 1 Japan Japan 2 Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 Iceland Iceland 4 Switzerland Switzerland 5 Australia Australia 6 Spain Spain 7 Sweden Sweden 8 Israel Israel 9 Macau Macau 10France France 38 United States United States
LIFE EXPECTANCY Health Statistics > Life expectancy at birth > Total population (most recent) by country Health Statistics 1 Macau: years 2008 Macau # 2 Andorra: years 2008 Andorra # 3 Japan: years 2008 Japan # 4 Singapore: years 2008 Singapore # 5 San Marino: years 2008 San Marino # 6 Hong Kong: years 2008 Hong Kong # 7 Australia: years 2008 Australia # 8 Canada: years 2008 Canada # 9 France: years # France = 10 Switzerland: years 2008 Switzerland 48 United States: years 2008United States population