How light can the Digital Earth be? Gilberto Câmara National Institute for Space Research (INPE) Brazil Eye on Earth Summit, Abu Dhabi, 2011
We need a lot of data for decision making! Deforestation in Brazilian Amazonia ( ) dropped from 27,000 km 2 to 6,200 km 2
Tb of data lines of code 150 man/years of software dev 200 man/years of interpreters How much it takes to survey Amazonia?
Daily warnings of newly deforested large areas Real-time Deforestation Monitoring
Policing actions: illegal wood seizure 50% of operations in 2% of the area
Transparency builds governance registrations 46 million protests
Hobbes Rosseau
23rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 December Capacity building source:
23rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 December Empowering source:
Virtual Globes Digital Earth OpenStreetMap Wikimapia
Virtual Globes Digital Earth Data + services (can only be provided reliably by organizations that are trusted) Scientists as policy-makers (peer-reviewed results) Citizens as sensors (perception, individual actions) visibility, communication, acessibility ?
Data democracy needs to reach the masses! photo: Yann Arthus Bertrand
Environmental issues are best handled with participation of all citizens. Each individual shall have appropriate access to information concerning the environment. RIO-92 Declaration – principle #10
RIO + 20: bulding on principles from RIO-92 We need a new convention on the public availability of environmental information