D EFINE YOUR C OMMUNITY Who will you serve? Local churches Local schools Health care providers Local businesses Civic groups Local residents
W HAT M AKES A G OOD L EADER ? Value health & wellness for ALL Think health is important Willing to try new things People skills Some diabetes knowledge Enjoy doing things with people Willing to get involved
T RAITS OF SUGAR H ELPERS Think health in your county can be improved. Care about diabetes and people that have it. Enjoy doing things with other people. Willing to get involved.
B ECOMING A T EAM Co-leaders Every voice is important Working together Divide and conquer
E FFORTS OF L OCAL C OUNTY T EAMS Sponsor of Diabetes: A Family Matter Program Work together Assist to locate needed resources Propose ideas Assist with recruitment & training Encourage others Become a local voice for health and wellness
L OCAL E MPOWERMENT Knowledge to make good decisions. Resources to implement the decisions. Give control to others about ways things get done. Responsible for actions taken. Inclusive and welcoming.
C ULTURAL S ENSITIVITY Inclusive Respect diversity Family-focused Literacy & health literacy
I DENTIFY L OCAL R ESOURCES Existing community groups Church friends Local heroes and champions Local volunteers Friends and families
I DENTIFY P OTENTIAL O BSTACLES Time Getting everyone together Family and personal crisis
I DENTIFY L OCAL E XPERTS Persons with diabetes Family members of persons with diabetes Diabetes educators Nurses and health educators Pharmacists and physicians Who else?
G ETTING S TARTED Identify existing diabetes work in your county Talk about the program with others Identify who else should be part of your team Invite others to a start-up meeting Decide what rules or policies are needed Locate a ‘home’ for your county group Finalize dates and plans for SUGAR Helper recruitment and education sessions
M ISSION, V ISION, & G OALS Mission: a brief concise statement that identifies the reason a particular program exists and what it hopes to achieve. A mission statement should be meaningful to the group. Vision: The “big picture” Program goals: Reach whole county Personal goals: What do YOU want to achieve?
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
I wanted to change the world, but I have found that the only thing one can be sure of changing is oneself. Aldous Huxley