Planning and Evaluating your Program
Torture Technique or Useful Tool?
Logic models help us be clear on what our projects are DOING and what they are CHANGING.
Logic Model Work planEvaluation plan
Splash and Ripple
IMPACT WHY Big picture changes One statement about the preferred future Inspires
Outcomes Take place in families, organizations, and communities surrounding the participant You don’t have full control over these outcomes. Intermediate Outcome Immediate Outcome Immediate results of your project. Direct result of your activities and inputs. Individuals directly effected by your program.
Leadership Clinic Example Impact: Environmental educators more effectively mobilize learners to practice environmental stewardship. Intermediate Outcome: Learners report greater readiness to practice stewardship. Immediate Outcome: EE groups learn about best practices and document increased capacity and effectiveness.
Outputs, Activities and Inputs Outputs – What is immediately produced by the activity, products or services. Activities – What you do with the inputs. What the project is actually DOING. Inputs – Human and physical ingredients, the raw materials you need to bring about change.
Leadership Clinic Example Inputs resources we need Executive Director (ED) (Gareth) – 0.1 Education Director (ED D) (Kathy) – 0.15 Program Assistant (Rosemary) – 0.15
Leadership Clinic Example Activities what we do to create change Market leadership clinic to environmental education groups Secure venue for the leadership clinic Ensure a minimum of 15 applications received Finalize a Clinic Planning Team and use selection criteria to select the teams Conduct a participant needs assessment survey Work with the Clinic Planning Team to develop an agenda Complete all pre-planning and securing of resources and facilitation staff for the leadership clinic Deliver a 3 to 4 day leadership clinic Conduct a leadership clinic evaluation Provide follow-up support for teams to deliver and report on their plans
Leadership Clinic Example Outputs deliverables that create the potential for change Marketing and outreach to EE groups Venue secured Needs assessment survey completed by team participants Minutes from Project Planning meetings Teams secured for leadership clinic Delivery of 3 to 4 day leadership clinic Summary of leadership clinic evaluations Updates on team’s progress on achieving their plans
If we have INPUTS, then ACTIVITIES If we have ACTIVITIES, then OUTPUTS If we have OUTPUTS, then Immediate OUTCOMES If we have Immediate OUTCOMES then, Intermediate OUTCOMES If we have Intermediate OUTCOMES then, we contribute to the ULTIMATE OUTCOME
Evaluation Process Choose your outputs and outcomes to evaluate Select Indicators Gather Data Piloting/Testing Analyze and reporting
Measuring Change Values Shift Behaviour Change Benefit to the environment Using best practices
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