Change 4 Life Integrated Wellbeing Model Wendy Surtees – Senior Public Health Advanced Practitioner
Principles of Change4Life South Tyneside Empower people to take responsibility and become an expert in their own health and wellbeing Support people to make small sustainable lifestyle changes resulting in big improvements Target prevention and early intervention to address health inequalities in South Tyneside In line with our Health and Wellbeing Strategic priorities we need to focus our combined efforts to make the biggest difference for our residents in South Tyneside. TheChange4Life programme will address multiple risk behaviours by incorporating a number of prevention and lifestyle intervention programmes – smoking, physical activity, healthy weight 1. Adopts an enabling approach, promoting wellbeing, personal control and change management 2. Recognises the importance of emotional health and wellbeing The C4L service will be available to all, living in the Borough of South Tyneside who require support to make positive changes to their health. B the model supports the most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups in order to tackle poor behaviour choices and reduce inequalities across the Borough.
The Model… Specialist services (referral) Sexual Health Substance misuse Builds on Every Contact principles/JSNA/Community Asset Universal Services All public-facing services Pioneer self-care promotion C4L Delivery Key areas of focus Holistic approach Utilise Council staff where at all possible C4L Hub Referral Progress & impact Oversight & support The model uses a life-course approach to address the wider determinants of health across the local population The C4L Programme Hub is the central co-ordinating unit of the programme and will facilitate the development of integrated prevention pathways and programmes and C4L deliverers. – 4 lead areas C4L Delivery: Across the Council a range of staff who deliver preventative services have been identified who will take forward C4L as part of their role. This includes: Children’s Centre Outreach Staff Community Centre workers Leisure and Activity Staff Services for Young People Outreach and Activity Workers Sports and Play Development Staff External: Public health will continue to commission a range of external services to be part of C4L. This will include GPs community pharmacist’s schools dentists’ community and voluntary sector. Universal services: Across South Tyneside there are a huge range of activities, groups, organisations and programmes seeking to support people to improve their health and wellbeing. Traditionally public health interventions have only referred or promoted a small number of commissioned services for referral. C4L changes this focus to support South Tyneside residents into a wide range of interventions. This will include both statutory and non-statutory organisations: An example would be a Council run library and leisure facilities, children’s centres, a range of educational and social support activities An example of voluntary sector support would be bowling groups, breastfeeding support, walking clubs, friends of parks etc across the life course Underlying Principles: Building on and further embedding the Every Contact a Health Improvement Contact programme across the Borough Revist the JSNA and Asset based work – re checking Lifecourse Approach
What we have done… Invested in building capacity, through free training, across the Council, Workplaces and third sector to be able to deliver C4L interventions Specific work with internal Council staff to utilise existing opportunities for delivery GP and Pharmacy contracts Quality Standards for non commissioned services – C4L kite mark Maintaining the momentum of services through transition Developed a website for advice and information, as well as a referral function for self referral and health professionals Worked with CCG Colleagues on ensuring C4L underpins A Better U Built on national campaigns – ten minute shake up, summer campaign
Website and Referral Function Web portal, advice and information Referral system
What next… Are our services in the right place? Continually improve our provision based on need Refresh Every Contact is a Health Improvement Contact Formally launch the programme
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