For drivers & their supervisors “SAFELY SECURE LOADS” A REMINDER… For drivers & their supervisors October 2002 Oct/02
Did you learn from this fatality? Oct/02
No you did not !! There are still badly secured loads traveling on our roads today !!! See the next few slides …. Oct/02
This is a 45 ton bulldozer that fell off a low bed trailer because…... Oct/02
Only two chains were used: not enough for a 45 ton dozer! Steel tracks on steel low-bed: low friction factor! Poor supervision: wrongly approved the loading (staff not properly trained) Driver: - too fast round a sharp bend - braked harshly Should have used: - 4 chains - wood deck low-bed Driver should have: - travelled at speed safe for load and road conditions Oct/02
Rock-breaker loose on the deck Single chain ANOTHER EXAMPLE : Rock-breaker loose on the deck Single chain a 28 ton backhoe retained with just ONE chain the rock-breaker is totally unrestrained Both would fall off in sharp or sudden turn: and could easily kill someone...... Oct/02
Can you believe this?? Wrong: high bed trailer headboard split & broken: no protection to driver (would be crushed if load moved forward) chains slack and wrongly positioned Oct/02
Incorrect chain angles Trailer bed is too narrow Very slack chains No chocks Incorrect chain angles Trailer bed is too narrow Tyres overhang trailer: an unstable load ! Oct/02
It is not only large loads that are not being secured correctly !! It also applies to “small” items. This truck is loaded with oil drums: 2 drums stand loose! These can easily fall over, roll around, get damaged and leak. Oct/02
Do not use lashings with knots: they are NOT strong. Here is a tall wooden crate restrained by a web lashing which had broken and was knotted in two places Do not use lashings with knots: they are NOT strong. Throw them away! Destroy them! Do NOT use them! Oct/02
Another totally unsecured load: six pallets of flexible water pipe with no lashings or any other load restraint used a length of rope had been placed across the top of the pallets, probably for decoration! web lashing belts should have been used they were lucky this load did not fall off…… Oct/02
NOTE to Managers/Supervisors: This presentation is a REMINDER of the importance of load safety and good load securing. Prevent further accidents due to poor load securing. Follow the guidelines on the PDO-DtS web: User Name: pdohse01 Password: contractor01 A detailed specification (SP-2001) is being written and will be issued by end 2002. In the meantime: follow the British Department of Transport “Load Securing Code of Practice” which is available on the same website. Another excellent Australian load securing guide with more pictures and diagrams is also available on the same website. For further information: CSM/15 tel: 67-7956 Oct/02
Load Securing Guidelines Know them! Follow them! Oct/02