CIGRE JWG 36.07 / CIRED Power Quality Indices and Objectives Progress report on joint Cigré 36.07 / Cired Germain Beaulieu, conv. February 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

CIGRE JWG / CIRED Power Quality Indices and Objectives Progress report on joint Cigré / Cired Germain Beaulieu, conv. February 2003

2 JWG36.07: Power Quality indices & objectives CONTENT: Scope Scope Main activities Main activities Status of the work within the working group for: -harmonics, -flicker, -unbalance, -voltage dips and -interruptions. Status of the work within the working group for: -harmonics, -flicker, -unbalance, -voltage dips and -interruptions. Future activities Future activities

3 JWG36.07: Power Quality indices & objectives Scope: JWG formed 2 years ago (July 2000), duration 2-3 years. JWG formed 2 years ago (July 2000), duration 2-3 years. Starting point is the evaluation of IEC and 7 concerning harmonics and flicker : suitability of the proposed objectives and extend the same approach to unbalance. Starting point is the evaluation of IEC and 7 concerning harmonics and flicker : suitability of the proposed objectives and extend the same approach to unbalance. Additionally JWG also consider indices for voltage dips (objectives for these were not seen as part of the scope). Additionally JWG also consider indices for voltage dips (objectives for these were not seen as part of the scope). Indices for interruptions are also being addressed by the WG. Indices for interruptions are also being addressed by the WG. The voltage levels under consideration by the working group are MV, HV and EHV. The voltage levels under consideration by the working group are MV, HV and EHV. An important part of the JWG activities is to collect measurement data on actual levels of disturbances. An important part of the JWG activities is to collect measurement data on actual levels of disturbances.

4 JWG36.07: Power Quality indices & objectives Deliverables: Recommended internal quality objectives, enabling to determine emission limits for disturbing installations Recommended external quality objectives, to be presented to regulators and system users Message for manufacturers of quality monitoring instruments: we need instruments which fulfill the IEC requirements, and which can give us the quality indices related to the internal and external objectives.

5 JWG36.07: Power Quality indices & objectives Membership : 19 regular and 10 corresponding (*) members A. Arruda (BR) * G. Georgantzis(GR)* B. Moncrief (US) A. Baitch (AU) * S. Gheorghe (RO) C. Nucci (IT) R. Ball (UK) Z. Hanzelka (PL) * F. Rachidi (CH) N. Baumier-Duphil (FR) M. Kaminaga (JP) B. Ratering-Schnitzler(DE) J. Bekker (NA) * R. Koch (ZA) J. Sinclair (UK) M. Bollen (SE) M. Lahtinen (FI) B. Smith (NZ) * H. Bronzeado (BR) S. Malgarotti (IT) W. Van Wyk (ZA) L. Fickert (AT) * X. Mamo (FR) L. Testa (IT) * H. Gago (ES) * A. McEachern (US) P. Vianden (NL)* G. Borloo (BE) secr., G. Beaulieu (CA) conv.

6 JWG36.07: Power Quality indices & objectives MAIN ACTIVITIES: Four main activities corresponding to the structure of the working document: Part 1: Review existing indices and objectives. Part 1: Review existing indices and objectives. Part 2: Collect measurement data. Part 2: Collect measurement data. Part 3: Recommend quality indices. Part 3: Recommend quality indices. Part 4: Recommend quality objectives. Part 4: Recommend quality objectives. For each part, harmonics, flicker, unbalance, dips and interruptions are addressed.

7 JWG36.07: Power Quality indices & objectives Work Progress : Part 1: Review of existing standards and guidelines completed for harmonics, flicker, unbalance and dips. Part 2: Important efforts for collecting PQ measurement data. Difficulties in gathering data measured in a common or consistent manner. System wide surveys are rare, and confidentiality concerns. Work will be completed based on what was collected so far. Part 3: Discussions/contributions started on recommended indices and methods for assessing and reporting site/system indices. Part 4: Discussions starting on recommended objectives.

8 JWG36.07: Power Quality indices & objectives ACTIVITIES IN 2003 : Jan. 2003: Prepare 5 th draft working document. Finalize paper for Cired Feb. 2003: 6 th meeting in Milano (IT) to discuss 5 th draft : finalize part 1 and 2 and supplement part 3 and 4. Mar. 2003: Prepare 6 th draft + prepare paper for Cigre/IEEE Symposium in Montreal in Oct June 2003: 7 th meeting in Essen (DE) to discuss 6 th draft : finalize part 3 and 4. Oct. 2003: 8 th and last meeting of JWG36.07 in Montreal (CA) Finalize the JWG report.

9 JWG36.07: Power Quality indices & objectives Harmonic distortion Harmonic distortion site indices: 95% or 99% of 3-s or 10-s value system index: 95% or 99% of site index Objectives Objectives planning level: 2% for 5 th harmonic (HV) Data collection Data collection 2 MV, 7 HV and 2 EHV surveys (669 sites) Conclusions Conclusions planning level is exceeded too often for HV lack of data for MV and EHV

10 JWG36.07: Power Quality indices & objectives Flicker Flicker pst (10 min) and plt (2 hours) site index: 95% plt or 99% pst system index: 95% plt of 99% pst Objectives Objectives planning levels: pst ; lst: Conclusions Conclusions flicker significantly exceeds planning levels system wide surveys are very uncommon transfer to LV need to be considered

11 JWG36.07: Power Quality indices & objectives Voltage Dips Voltage Dips Site indices: number of dips per year System indices: 95% of site indices Data collection Data collection 6 EHV, 5 HV, 4 MV surveys (748 mon-years) Conclusions Conclusions consistent monitoring methods are needed large variation among sites and systems not possible to give objectives