By: Billy
English French Mohawk Oneida Onondaga Cayuga Seneca tuscarora
Treated as equals The only main difference is the men are more of the hunters and the women harvest
Bury dead with the best clothing that they owned Also buried with there equipment ex : hunters with bows warriors with tomahawks and women with there best kettle or cooking pot
White pine or the tree of peace War club. Buried under the tree of peace. Were the saying burying the hatchet comes from Eagle- looks after the tree Cluster of arrows- as 1 they break together its harder to break
The Iroquois believe in the great spirit or the creator in other words. Most Iroquois have become Christians Lived in long houses
Always religious music Consisted of rattles, drums, and flutes Lead by a dancer and singer The dances were always counter clockwise
5 main legends- the five nations, the battle with the snakes, why there are mosquitoes, the fierce beast, and song of the hermit thrush Most interesting is why there are mosquitoes Once there were 2 giant mosquitoes. They killed every man who went up the river. After months of there people being killed they sent out a hunting party. Cont on next slide.
The hunting party found these mosquitoes. The 2 mosquitoes killed most of the men while the others ran into the trees where they couldnt get them. From there they fired there arrows. When they were almost out of arrows the 2 mosquitoes fell. From the blood came millions of small ones. They love the taste of blood and seek revenge for the death of their grandfathers.
None of the animal was ever wasted. A lot the hunted animal would be dried so it would keep longer. What I brought is originally beef jerky but this is made with moose meat. Its just dried meat with salt and spices or so. Its a family recipe and is the first time we have tried it with moose meat. It is very good so don't be afraid to try it.