INTRODUCTION Why Research; Increase body of knowledge Explain social phenomena Test theoretical hypothesis Explain relationships Assess influence/impact of various factors Assess needs for capacity building and training
TYPES OF RESEARCH Basic Research Applied Research Summative evaluation Formative evaluation Action Research Operational Research
Basic Research Basic Research; Seeks the knowledge as an end in itself, and contribute to theory. The world is patterned and those patterns are knowable and explainable
Applied Research Seeks to understand nature and sources of human and society problems. Address questions which are important to the society and formulate problem-solving program Is based on the premises, human and societal problem can be understood and solved with right knowledge.
Summative Evaluation The purpose is to determine the effectiveness of human intervention and actions (Programs, policies and products) Is to make judgement and generalizations about interventions About effective interventions and in what effort and condition.
Formative Evaluation Research Seeks to improve the chances of success of program, policy, product or personnel It aims in providing recommendation for improvement.
Action Research The purpose is to solve organizational or community problems The basic premise is people in a particular setting can solve their problem by studying them.
Operational Research Research within the workplace On going Focuses on quality improvement.
RESEARCH PROPOSAL COMPONENTS Study title Brief introduction/background Problem statement Study objectives Study question Hypothesis Brief proposed methodology with conceptual framework of the study
Study title Outline in few words the matter to be researched Structured to denote the researcher’ interest Stated in strong and few words Not more than 15 words
Introduction Begin with something interesting, a quote or story to capture the readers’ interest. Introduce your question or curiosity Tell why there is a need for the study Describe the intended audience for your study, what are they going to benefit Describe your study product Conclude your introduction with an overview of the study
Steps in Research Process Choosing a research problem Stating the assumption and hypothesis Formulate research design (survey, field studies, experimental) Data management ( observation, interviews, mail questionnaire) Gathering data Analyse Conclude Make inference Reporting, publication and dissemination.
ASSIGNMENT Write a title for a research which you intend to carry Write down a page of introduction