Introduction to Research NCTU 任維廉 1. 自我介紹:任維廉 (William) 現職:交通大學 管理學院 運輸科技與管理系 教授 學歷:交大 管理科學研究所 博士 經歷: 交大 運輸科技與管理學系 系主任 交大 傑出教學獎 台北市 交通局 顧問 新竹市政府市政顧問 中華民國.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Research NCTU 任維廉 1

自我介紹:任維廉 (William) 現職:交通大學 管理學院 運輸科技與管理系 教授 學歷:交大 管理科學研究所 博士 經歷: 交大 運輸科技與管理學系 系主任 交大 傑出教學獎 台北市 交通局 顧問 新竹市政府市政顧問 中華民國 運輸學會 理事 PCMPCL, Harvard Business School 2 交通大學 運管系 任維廉 2

3 Lang, G. and Heiss, G. D., A Practical Guide to Research Methods 出處

Outline 4 The Research Process Some Research Terms 5 Levels of Training in Research Appendix A

1. The Research Process 1.1 What is research 1.2 Why are research methods used? 1.3 How are these research methods used? 5

1.1 What is research  A systematic and unbiased way of solving a problem through generating verifiable data.  John Dewey’s schema for cognition A puzzling situation ‚Define the problem ƒFormulation of hypothesis „Collection, organization and analysis of data … Formulation of possible conclusions †Verification, rejection or modification 大膽假設,小心求證? 6

1.2 Why Use Research Methods  Scientific methods  The most reliable way to move from limited, biased perceptions and opinions to fact or tentative truth  Self-correcting nature 7 Authority ‚Personal experiences ƒCommon sense „Intuition Scientific methods

1.3 How to Use Research Methods  Legitimate, ethical uses of research methods  e.g., design a study: potentially harmful car components will appear to be safe?  Politics of research  Taboo area  e.g., genetic engineering, …… 8

2. Levels of Training in Research 2.1 Research literacy 2.2 Action research 2.3 Applied research 2.4 Basic research 9

2.1 Research literacy  Ability to ask cogent questions  Selection of research tools  Analysis of data 10

2.2 Action research 11  Solving a problem which is of limited, local interest ResearchEvaluation A systematic process for gathering data Answering specific questions or test certain hypotheses Gathering data on all parts of the setting or object under study

2.3 Applied research 12  Solve an immediate problem or improve a product or a process  e.g., educational research

2.4 Basic research 13 IV. Basic research  Increase understanding of fundamental principles. It is not intended to yield immediate commercial benefits.  It is the basis for many commercial products and applied research.

3. Some research terms  Operational definition  Clearly define the key variables, concepts, and terms  e.g., “intelligence”  Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale  Highly technical nature  e.g., ITS, VRP (Vehicle routing problem)  Common words with a very special meaning  e.g., “Patent”, “Adult” and “Child” 14

 Ask yourself whether someone else reading your proposal clearly understands what you mean by that particular term.  Research is one field where flowery rhetoric will do more harm than good.  A researcher, unlike a politician, must be precise. 15

4. Appendix A Checklist for evaluating a research report  The title I. Introduction: problem, related research, hypotheses, assumption and delimitation, operational definitions II. Method: materials, instruments, procedure III. Results and conclusions IV. Discussion V. Summary Communication 16

Q & A 17