Outline Discuss the gender preferences of certain English words. Discuss how feminized words are usually objectified. Discuss how masculinized words are seen as powerful while feminized are usually controlled or weak. Relate gender inequality in English vocab Opening slide Feminism Definition Masculinity Definition analysis Example of feminized words Example of masculinized words Discuss how feminized words are objectified Discuss how masculinized words are powerful Discuss how language affects society Connect how gender preferences in language affects gender equality in society
Gender Preferences in Language By Camille Wolfe World Literature
Feminism Definition- “to cause a male to take on feminine characters” Source- Oxford Dictionary
Masculinity Definition- “possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men” Source- Oxford Dictionary
Analysis Implies Men are first transformation Gender Inequality
Feminized Words Motherland Boats
Citations "Definition of Masculinity in English:." Masculinity: Definition of Masculinity in Oxford Dictionary (American English) (US). N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb copywriting/