Parameters for Rating Municipal Councillors ParameterMarks Past 1 (Education qualification, PAN Card, Criminal cases)7 Present 2 (Attendance, No. of Question, Questions compared to Citizen's Complaints & Importance of questions asked by issues raised, Usage of Area Development Fund 4 ) 63 Perception (through an citizen survey of 22,580 people for their perception on their Councillor’s accessibility/availability, performance, corruption, and satisfaction with quality of life, services provided by government) 30 Negative for new FIR cases till December 2013 post elections 3 Minus 5 Negative for pending Charge Sheet 3 Minus 5 Total100 2 RTI Data Source: 1 Municipal Secretary, MCGM (MCGM Head Office and BEST) and Assistant Engineer (Maintenance), MCGM (from all the 24 Administrative Wards of MCGM); 2 Election Commission Department, MCGM; 3 Mumbai Police. 4 Area Development Fund relates to the period April’12 to March’14 (Rs.1.2 crores).
Mumbai Report Card Municipal Councillors Grade A – Between 100% to 80% Grade B – Less than 80% to 70% Grade C – Less than 70% to 60% Grade D – Less than 60% to 50% Grade E – Less than 50% to 35% Grade F – Less than 35% (Period under consideration – April 2013 to March 2014)
TOP 10 COUNCILLORS by RANK 4 WardC. No.PartyCouncillor name Score 2014 (out of 100) Rank G/S194SSSnehal Ambekar G/S188SSHemangi Worlikar P/N40BJPGyanmurti Sharma R/S21INCRamashish Gupta K/W60SSSanjay Pawar R/S22BJPSunita Yadav R/S23SS Prajakta (Sawant)Vishwasrao R/C9BJPManisha Chaudhari D210INCNoshir Mehta K/W56SSYashodhar Phanse
5 WardC. No.PartyCouncillor name Score 2014 (out of 100) Rank S116MNSAvinash Sawant N118NCPHarun Khan N128MNSMangal Kadam F/S198SSSanjay (Nana) Ambole G/N179SPJyotsna Parmar P/N35INCBhomsingh Rathod L155INDLalita Annamalai F/N172INDManojkumar Sansare K/W53INDChangez Multani G/S190MNSHemlata Wange BOTTOM 10 COUNCILLORS by RANK
TOP 10 COUNCILLORS for MOVEMENT 6 Ward C. No.Party Councillor name Score 2014 (out of 100) Rank Move mentReasons H/E91INCGulistan Shaikh No. of questions; Quality of questions M/W144BJP Rajshree Palande No. of questions; Quality of questions; Perceived Performance T99BJP Bhavna Jobanputra Attendance; No. of questions; Quality of questions M/E132SPRais Shaikh Attendance; No. of questions; Quality of questions; Perceived Performance L156SP Mohd. Ishak Shaikh Attendance; No. of questions; Quality of questions D211SS Arvind Dudhwadkar Attendance; No. of questions; Quality of questions P/S52INCKiran Patel No. of questions; Quality of questions H/E84INCBrian Miranda Attendance; No. of questions A224SSGanesh Sanap No. of questions; Quality of questions K/E72SS Sunita Elawadekar No. of questions; Quality of questions
7 War dC. No.Party Councillor name Score 2014 (out of 100) Rank Movem entReasons G/N182MNSVirendra Tandel No. of questions; Quality of questions; Perceived Performance R/C13MNSChetan Kadam Attendance; No. of questions; Perceived Performance P/N35INC Bhomsingh Rathod Attendance; No. of questions; Quality of questions; Perceived Performance S108MNS Rupesh Waingankar Attendance; No. of questions; Quality of questions; Perceived Performance T100NCP Nandakumar Vaity No. of questions; Quality of questions; New FIR & Charge sheet; Perceived Performance T102BJP Prakash Gangadhare Quality of questions; New FIR & Chargesheet; Perceived Performance R/C8INC Shivanand Shetty No. of questions; Quality of questions; Perceived Performance R/C15BJP Mohan Mithbaokar Attendance; No. of questions; Perceived Performance S111SSAshok Patil Attendance; Quality of questions F/N169SSShradha Jadhav Attendance; No. of questions; Quality of questions; Perceived Performance BOTTOM 10 COUNCILLORS for MOVEMENT
Observations: Positive Signs 8 Gender Performance: In the top 10 there are equal Female and Male Councillors The average score of Female Councillors (59.41%) is slightly more than Male Councillors (59.4%) Questions Asked: 27% increase From 2232 questions in FY to 2835 questions in FY More than 50 questions: One Councillor in FY to Six Councillors in FY Maximum questions: Anant Nar (91), Saeeda Khan (85) and Deepak Pawar (73). Quality of Questions: 3.8% increase
Observations : Cause of Concern 9 Attendance: Dropped by 6.7% Questions Asked: 10 Councillors haven’t asked a single question this year (FY ). Three Councillors (Anita Yadav, Jyotsna Parmar, Lalita Annamalai) of them haven’t asked a single question till date (April’12 to March’14). Proportion of questions asked compared to civic complaint's just 26.9%. Criminal Record: 50 Councillors have criminal record as on 31 st Dec’13 34 Councilors had criminal cases before (2012) elections as per their affidavits 16 Councillors have new FIRs/Chargesheets after they were elected 5 Councillors who had criminal record as per their affidavits have new FIRs/Chargesheets 41 (out of the 50) Councillors have been chargesheeted Perceived Performance: Overall perceived performance has dropped by 11.8%. Overall accessibility has dropped by 27.7%.
Overall accessibility has dropped by 27.7%
11 Party Akhil Bharatiya Sena (2) Bharatiya Janata Party (31) Bhartiya Republican Party Bahujan Mahasangha (1) Indepen dent (15) Indian National Congress (52) Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (28) Nationalist Congress Party (13) Republican Party Of India RPI(A) (1) Samajwadi Party (9) Shiv Sena (74) Average Score % Overall score has increased from 58.57% to 59.41%