Global Warming and Florida; What we can do about it. Big Bend Group Sierra Club
Carbon Dioxide Catches infrared waves going into space Distance between C and O; just right to catch infrared waves.
Infrared has the most energy
About 3Gt C are added every year
Climate Change changes everything More CO 2 changes plant behavior More CO 2 increases temperature of the atmosphere, the surface, the earth’s crust and the oceans Distribution of energy through currents on the planet Global hydro cycle; rain and moisture
Much reduction is needed to reach stability Human emission rate in billion t/C/yr t Equilibrium Latent atmospheric C is about 188 billion ton Emissions the earth absorbs in billion t/C/yr
Climate Change: A hundred year problem Achieving carbon-neutrality (the switch to clean energy) = 30 years? Absorption of latent carbon (sequestration) = 150 years?
Florida -Average temperature increase of 5 ~10°F -July temperature increase of ~ 15°F -Reversal of summer-wet, winter-dry -Change in soil / Fire risk -Vectors -Tropical diseases -Sea level rise -Intensive Storms -Will happen anyway
Impacts on: -Agriculture -Health -Insurance -Tourism -Tax Base -Economy
Possible Approaches “The Big Picture” “The Big Picture” Do nothing Strategic adaptation (we move!) Nuclear Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency Sequestration Price induced reductions International Carbon Trading
What can we do? The “us” picture. Awareness Refrigerator Washer Vacuum Lights Car Energy Star Products and Homes
What we can do: influence County / City Action Plan Lobby – write your congressman! Publicity – feature the positive Others..
Carbon Cycle is complex
Links and Resources
Gasoline is 85.5% carbon 1 gallon of conventional liquid gasoline turns into 172 cubic feet / 4.87 cubic meters of CO 2.
125 gallon make one ton CO 2 1 ton of CO 2 easily fills up a 19,000 cubic feet / 556 cubic meters container.
10 ton CO 2 fills Florida Field 3 foot high Every year, the average person in the United States produces 20 tons of CO 2.
U.S. commitment under Kyoto Regardless, somebody has to initiate action
Join our Beta test ! The ICBE is looking for participants interested in profiling their GHG emissions. Help create a GHG map of Florida
Contact ICBE International Carbon Bank and Exchange ®, Inc 6651 NW 23 rd Avenue Gainesville, FL tel fax Mark van Soestbergen Toward Climate Stability ™