Target – Wednesday, September 3, 2014 Copy sentence as it appears below. Choose the sentence in which the words are capitalized correctly. 1.Thanksgiving Day is always the Fourth thursday in November. 2.Thanksgiving day is always the fourth Thursday in november. 3.Thanksgiving Day is always the fourth Thursday in November. HW/ Language Network (Little Red) read page 192. Complete Practice and Apply: page, 193 Concept Check Part A – Complex Sentences, # 1-10 (Copy sentences)
Agenda– Wednesday, September 3 rd 1.Correct Homework, page 191, # Common Assessment #1 Corrections (15-20 minutes minutes) 3.Reading Comprehension Packet – “Hollywood Stuntwomen”. (Main Idea, Inferences, Word Meaning, Author’s Purpose, Summarizing, and Critical Thinking).
Target – Tuesday, September 2 nd 1.Welcome back after a long weekend 2.Please copy the notes below: Appositive phrase – a noun or pronoun that renames another noun or pronoun. Ex. Mrs. Santiago, the language arts teacher, assigns homework almost every day. Note: To confirm an appositive, see if you can rewrite the sentence using only the appositive. Infinitive phrase – adds to the base form, to go. 1.HW/ 1) Language Network (Little Red) page 191. Complete Practice and Apply: Concept Check Part B – Revising: Combining Sentences, # 1- 10
Notes 24. Appositive phrase – a noun or pronoun that renames another noun or pronoun. Ex. Mrs. Santiago, the language arts teacher, assigns homework almost every day. Note: To confirm an appositive, see if you can rewrite the sentence using only the appositive. 26. Infinitive phrase – adds to the base form, to go.