P ROPRIETORSHIP A proprietorship is owned by one individual. 70% of business entities in the U.S. are proprietorships. They are easy and cheap to organize. Resources are limited to those of the owner. Used by small businesses.
P ARTNERSHIP A partnership is similar to a proprietorship except that it is owned by two or more individuals. 10% of business organizations in the U.S. (combined with limited liability companies) are partnerships. Combines the skills and resources of more than one person.
C ORPORATION A corporation is organized under state or federal statutes as a separate legal taxable entity. Generates 90% of business revenues. 20% of the business organizations in the U.S. Ownership is divided into shares, called stock. Can obtain large amounts of resources by issuing stock. Used by large businesses.
L IMITED L IABILITY C OMPANY (LLC) A limited liability company (LLC) combines the attributes of a partnership and a corporation. 10% of business organizations in the U.S. (combined with partnerships). Often used as an alternative to a partnership. Has tax and legal liability advantages for owners.
Cost Concept o Under the cost concept, amounts are initially recorded in the accounting records at their cost or purchase price.
Business Entity Concept o Under the business entity concept, the activities of a business are recorded separately from the activities of its owners, creditors, or other businesses.