Repaso para el examen final de español II Prepare to take notes in preparation for the FINAL!
LISTENING Know your daily routines Know activities one can do at a local sports center
Unidad 5.1 (p.65) Be able to label these items:
Write an affirmative tú command for each picture: Unidad 5.2 (p.93)
Describe what happens before and after a party Unidad 5 Lección 2 (p.93)
Ordinal numbers p.54 *must agree with noun The first girl = la primera chica *Primero and tercero DROP the “o” before a masculine noun: primer chicotercer chico
CULTURA Cotopaxi Oswaldo Guyasamin Serenatas quiteñas Otavalo Andes equator
CULTURA Cotopaxi (p.39) – highest active volcano Oswaldo Guyasamin (p.51)- artist from Ecuador Serenatas quiteñas (p.77)- musical tributes to the city of Quito Otavalo (p. 39,85,92)-town in Ecuador famous for market Andes (p.39)- mt. range in S. America equator –divides the southern and northern hemispheres
CULTURA Santo Domingo Serie del Caribe Festival del Merengue Altar de la Patria Merengue Béisbol
CULTURA Santo Domingo- (p.100) capital of Dominican Republic Serie del Caribe- (p.104 or 112) baseball championship Festival del Merengue-(p. 147) ten-day event with music and dance Altar de la Patria-(p.101) monument that honors the independence of the Dom. Rep. Merengue-(p. 147) lively style of music and dance Béisbol- national sport of Dom. Rep
CULTURA El bife Los gauchos El tango La parrilla La estancia La Boca
CULTURA El bife (p. 209)steak Los gauchos (p.163) people who raised cattle El tango (p. 173, 163) type of dance La parrilla (p.209) a steak house La estancia (p. 209) ranch La Boca (p. 203) first port in Buenos Aires
CULTURA Carretas San José Coffee Meseta Central Vos Tabacón hot springs
CULTURA Carretas (p.225) wooden carts used to transport coffee San José –(p. 249) Capital of Costa Rica Coffee (p.271) leading export in Costa Rica Meseta Central (p.237) Costa Rican region with varied landscape Vos (p.162, 243) pronoun used in some countries including Costa Rica and Uruguay Tabacón hot springs (p.225) in Costa Rica where people enjoy mineral pools
Use the verb DOLER to tell what hurts… (p.137)
PRETERITE TENSE Unidad 6.2 (p.155) Conjugate verbs in the preterite tense: Jugar Practicar Ganar Almorzar Hablar Pagar Llegar Tocar
Preterite- Unidad 6.2 (p.155) Be able to talk about what people did yesterday:
Saber v. Conocer p. 127 Unidad 6.1
Know your computer vocabulary Unidad 7.1 (p.189)
Pronouns & Prepositions Unidad 7.2(p.206) Pronouns: (me, you, him, her, we, you all, they) mí, ti, usted, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas, ustedes Prepositions: a, con, de, para *When you use the preposition con with mí or ti, they combine to make : conmigo and contigo
Present Progressive (estar + present participle) Unidad 8.1 (p. 240) Be able to write a sentence telling what people are DOING. (-ando or -iendo)
Reflexive Verbs AND Present Progressive Unidad 8.1 (p.234,240,251) Be able to tell what people ARE DOING at an exact time: Example: We are getting dressed at nine in the morning.
Vocab Unidad 8.2
Demonstrative Adjectives Unidad 8.2 (p.268, 279) *Remember: You find the “T”s, in THIS and THESE, but not in that and those. *Make sure they agree in NUMBER and GENDER Ex: estos aretesestas artesanías
WRITING Be able to write a paragraph describing three athletes. Be sure to include: what sports they play what teams they play for where they play what makes them good athletes
WRITING Be able to write information about your daily schedule; explaining your daily routine. Be sure to include: what you do in the evening and how you prepare for bed ask someone else what their routines are in the morning and evening
Speaking Be able to tell what items are and how much they cost.
Speaking Be able to talk about planning a birthday party at home. Be sure to include: when you will have the party what you need to do to prepare for the party what you will do during the party what you will do to clean up after the party
Speaking Be able to make up an excuse about why you can’t do these activities. Be sure to: complain about physical problems mention specific types of equipment that you do not have say that you did this activity yesterday