Professional Learning Community Creating Collaborative Culture
Bringing Focus to Professional Learning Community
Creating Collaborative Culture Talking with one another about their practice Sharing their craft knowledge Observing one another while they are engaged in their practice Rooting for one another S. Hord & W. Sommers, Leading Professional Learning Communities, pg.11
“The most successful student learning occurs when teachers find solutions together.” (pg. 25) Professional Learning Communities: Communities of Continuous Inquiry and Improvement Why Collaboration?
Defining Collaborative Culture Create a symbolic representation about collaborative culture based on the following definition........
Definition of Collaboration Creating Common Language A systematic process in which we work together, interdependently to analyze and impact professional practice in order to improve our individual and collective results. Dufour, Dufour, and Eaker
“Little happens in a relationship until individuals learn to trust each other.” (David W. Johnson)
Building Trust Make a T Chart Behaviors/ Processes that build trust Behaviors/ Processes that diminish trust
You Tube, Teamwork Funny CTS Connect Importance of TEAMS???? You Tube, Teamwork Funny CTS Connect
Team vs Group Identify the characteristics of a group Solution Tree: Rick DuFour on Groups vs. Teams, Identify the characteristics of a group Identify the characteristics of a team Compare
7 Stages of the Team Performance Model Orientation: Why am I here? Trust building: Who are you? Goal clarification: What are we doing here? Commitment: How will we do it? Implementation: Who does what, when, where? High performance: Wow! Renewal : Why continue? Drexler, Sibbet, & Forrester, 2009 as cited in Journal of Staff Development,VOL.30 #5 , Ginny Lee pg. 46
What is the purpose of teaming? What teams do you have at your school? What is their purpose in working towards the common vision? What makes these teams effective or ineffective? Are the teams/groups there by tradition or are they established to work towards the school improvement goals? How do you assess a teams’ effectiveness?
Are your teams focused on re-culturing and do they have a willingness to work together in continuous improvement processes? Do you need to restructure? What action steps are you going to when you go back to your school?
Elements of an Effective Team 1. Collaboration is ROUTINE and embedded 2. Time for collaboration is established during the school day. 3. Student achievement is always the focus - it is the mission 4. Collaboration yields tangible and relevant products 5. Collaborative teams develop norms that guide discussion 6. Specific and measurable goals reflect a focus on student achievement 7. Data is transparent and information is relevant 8. Everything is purposeful and aligned
Cultural Shift
Creating Time
Create a Plan of Action
Together we CAN! The Power of Teamwork by Scott Beare & Michael McMillan, Simple Truths