FORMAT OF THE EXAM. The exam is worth 30% There will be two parts: language and background history of Wales.
LANGUAGE SECTION Based on Units 1-16 (15 was not studied in class). The exam will test your abilities to recognize and use the main grammatical point made in each of the units (eg present tense, use of mutations, past tense, answering questions etc). You will have 20 sentences to translate into Welsh which will reflect the above. You will also have two passages in Welsh to translate into French or English (or Spanish).
HISTORY AND CULTURE SECTION There will be general questions which will test your knowledge of the main periods of Welsh history (the formation of the Welsh from the Romano-British period), the later Middle Ages=Llywelyn dynasty, the Tudor and early Modern period, the period from the 19 th century to today. You should research the meaning and significance of the following words: Eisteddfod Welsh non-conformity (in religion) The Welsh Language Society St David’s Day
MARKS The exam will initially be marked out of 100 and then converted to 30%. The Language Section will have 60 points The History and Culture section will have 40 points.