1 st Special Education Primary School of Xanthi
A.BUILDING A COMMUNITY Indicator A.1.3: “Staff collaborate with each other”
1.The specific conditions of our school: Permanent staff: only 2 teachers Non- permanent staff (which changed every school year): 4-5 teachers, 1 special education assistant, psychologist, speech-therapist…. That means: Every school year we have to create and evolve a new team Again we have to build a team culture and a cooperative environment
2.Teachers, assistants, experts, a heterogeneous group: The level of the collaboration affects the development and the effectiveness of the school.
A2. CREATING INCLUSIVE CULTURES Indicator A.2.2: “Staff, governors, students and parents/carers share a philosophy of inclusion”
1.The synthesis of the student population: Our students come from different social, cultural and financial backgrounds. That means: First of all we have to build an inclusive culture “inside walls”
2.Inclusion as requirement and life attitude: Inclusion is a politically correct attitude for mainstream schools but it is still a desire for Special Education Schools. That means: We have to make diversity visible and we have to fight to be equally acceptable
Inclusion is a procedure which can be developed by a mainstream school. A Special education School has to fight to be accepted. In our case we always have to make the first step when planning inclusive activities.
Questionnaires Working groups It will be decided and planned until the end of this school year