CREATING A VISION Vision, part of institution building activity Process of strategic planning What is our preferred future? -Draw on the beliefs,mission and environment of the organisation -Describe what you want to see in the future -Be positive and inspiring -Prepare for modifications in curriculum, methodology, teaching techniques and facilities.
INCORPORATE YOUR BELEIFS Beliefs must meet both organisational and community goals A statement of values Beliefs are public /visible declaration of expected outcomes Precise and practical Shall guide the actions of all involved Reflect the knowledge, philosophy and actions of all Beliefs, key component of strategic planning
CREATE A MISSION STATEMENT Must draw on your beliefs Future oriented and portray your organisation as you perceive in future Must focus on one common purpose Specific to the organisation, not generic Make a short statement, less than two sentences
BENEFITS OF VISIONING Breaks you out of boundary thinking Provides continuity Identifies direction and purpose Alerts stakeholders to needed change Promotes interest and commitment Encourages openness to unique and creative solutions Encourages and builds confidence Builds loyalty through involvement /ownership Results in efficiency
VISION KILLERS Tradition/conservative outlook Fear of ridicule Stereo types of people, roles and governing councils Complacency of stakeholders Leaders suffering from fatigue/ status quo
VISION MEETING Invite representatives from all stakeholders Consider creating a planning group in advance Allow time for conversation, agreement/ disagreement Invite resistance, avoid Groupthink Draft vision statement and circulate among stakeholders Call for further inputs / comments Take help from stakeholder representatives to formulate final draft Communicate with stakeholders
MISSION STATEMENT - EXAMPLES Reflect overall purpose, services provided and core values ` We dedicate ourselves to humanity’s quest for longer, healthier and happier life's through innovation’ `We provide customer with superb value, high quality, relevant technology, customized system, superior service and support’
INSTITUTION BUILDING Definition: Creation of Governance Capacities Improvement of efficiency Improvement of effectiveness Reformation of old institution
Implementation Preparation of vision and mission statement Developing measurable objectives Objectives with a time frame Planning for resource allocation Maximizing human resources Involving all stakeholders
Parameters Enrolment and retention of students Enhancing student learning Identify and document best practices Benchmarking Creating Team environment Creation of transparency Leadership development and mentoring Informal staff feedback (Contd.)
(Contd.) Grievance handling Management of Change Open communication Shared decision making Data-driven decision Creating organizational culture Faculty motivation Developing network of excellent institution
Conclusions Involvement of the Leader Strong identification with institution Need for achievement Capacity to create opportunities Set high standards internally Ability to work with others