ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE A planned effort – thinking and planning initiated by process specialists Diagnostic skills- data collection-over time Coping capabilities-problem-solving, confront and cope Linking strategies-organizational goals Culture of Mutuality- fostering of certain values and open and proactive systems, openness, confrontation, trust, authenticity, pro-activeness, autonomy, collaboration and experimentation.
is a systemic and systematic change effort, using behavioral science knowledge and skill, to transform an organization to a new state. is system-wide and value-based collaborative process of applying behavioral science knowledge to the adaptive development, improvement and reinforcement of such organizational features as the strategies, structures, processes, people and cultures that lead to organizational effectiveness ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE
1.It is a system-wise process 2.It is value-based 3.It is collaborative 4.It is based on behavioral science knowledge 5.It is concerned with strategies, structures, processes, people and culture 6. It is about organizational effectiveness Characteristics of O. S. are:
Individual and group development. Development of organization culture and processes by constant interaction between members irrespective of levels of hierarchy. Inculcating team spirit. Empowerment of social side of employees. Focus of value development. Contd.. OBJECTIVES OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE
Employee participation, problem-solving and decision- making at various levels. Evaluate present systems and introduction of new systems thereby achieving total system change if required. Transformation and achievement of competitive edge of the organization. Achieve organization growth by total human inputs by way of research and development, innovations, creativity and exploiting human talent. Behavior modification and self managed team as the basic unit of an organization.
Implications: 1.For Individuals a)Most individuals believe in their personal growth. Even today, training and development, promotion to the next higher position dominates the organization philosophy. b)Majority of the people are desirous of making greater contributions to the organizations they are serving. Achievements of organizational goals are however, subject to limitations or environmental constraints. It is for the organizations to tap the skills that are available in abundance. Contd..
2. For Groups a)One of the most important factors in the organization is the ‘work group’ around whom the organization functions. This includes the peer group and the leader (boss) b)More people prefer to be part of the group because the group accepts them. c)Most people are capable of making higher contributions to the group’s effectiveness. Contd..
Following strategy is required to be adopted for group development based on the above assumptions: a)Invest in training and development of the group. Money and time spent on this is an investment for the organization. Leaders should also invest in development of skills and thus help create a position organizational climate. b)Let the team flourish. Teams are the best approach to get the work done. Apart from the above teams enjoy emotional and job satisfaction when they work in groups. c)Leaders should adopt team leadership style and not autocratic leadership style. To do this, jobs should be allotted to the team and not to the individual. Contd..
d)It is not possible for one individual (leader) to perform both, the leadership and maintenance functions. It is therefore necessary for team members to assist leader in performance of his duties. e)Group should be trained in conflict management, stress management, group decision-making, collaboration, and effective interpersonal communication. This will improve organizational effectiveness. Empowerment is the corner stone of the successful organizations. f)Leaders should pay particular attention to the feelings of the employees. It should be understood that suppressed feeling and attitudes adversely affect problem-solving, personal growth and job satisfaction. g)Development of group cohesiveness.
3. For Organizations a)Create learning organization culture. b)Adopt win-win strategy for sustained growth. c)Create cooperative dynamics rather than competitive organizational dynamics in the organization. d)Needs and aspirations of the employees in the organization must be met. This leads to greater participation of the employees. Organizations should adopt developmental outlook and seek opportunities in which people can experience personal and professional growth. Such orientation creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Contd..
f)People must be treated with due respect and considered important. The credit of success must be given to the employees unconditioned. g)Promote organizational citizenship. 4. It is possible to create organizations that are humane, democratic and empowering on one hand and high performing in terms of productivity, quality of output, profitability, and growth on the other. It is the responsibility of every entrepreneur to ensure that the needs of the society are met.
Increasing effectiveness and efficiency Creating openness in communication Empowering employees to act Enhancing productivity Promoting organizational participation ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Top values associated with O. D. today:
Values considered to be most important: Empowering employees to act Creating openness in communication Facilitating ownership of process and outcome Promoting a culture of collaboration Promoting inquiry and continuous learning Values considered to be most important:
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Management Practices Structure Systems Policies & Procedures Work Unit Climate Motivation Individual Needs & Values Task Requirements & Individual Skills/Abilities Individual & Organizational Performance Individual Needs & Values
1.Establishing a sense of urgency -Examining market and competitive realities -Identifying and discussing crisis, potential crises, or major opportunities 2.Forming a powerful guiding coalition -Assembling a group with enough power to lead the change effort -Encouraging the group to work together as a team Eight Steps to Successful Organizational Transformation
3.Creating a vision -Creating a vision to help direct the change effort -Developing strategies for achieving the vision 4.Communicating the vision -Using every vehicle possible to communicate the new vision and strategies -Teaching new behaviors by the example of the new coalition 5.Empowering others to act on the vision -Getting rid of obstacles to change -Changing systems or structures that seriously undermine the vision -Encouraging risk taking and non-traditional ideas, activities, and actions