1. bottle analysis The soil sample shows a lot of damage from glaciers. There are also some ancient rock probably some of oldest in earth 2. Recovered text The CSI lab deciphered the letter said “ It’s cold here! We regularly see ice bergs floating by ! “ There is a incredible number of small islands around us, I hope you will be able to find us.”
1 bottle analysis There was a little of plant material in the soil. We did find some hay. There was a wooly fiber on the hay from a lamb Recovered text “ We are having a terrible tome growing anything to eat except for some potatoes. There aren’t any forest around here either.” “The warmest it got here was around 50 degrees and that was only for a couple of weeks. Last summer the sun was out for 24 hrs, but nothing had time to grow”
Hump back whale seal walrus Polar bear There was evidence of animal in the bottle sample. Salmon scales and manure from a ox
Using a crude sundial we where able to figure our approximate latitude. It is 64 °. Please find us soon. We look up at the north star each night and hope that will guide your rescue ships to us
A chip from the antler of a male reindeer was found in the bottle. We were able to decipher more of the note, and the family claimed that the northern sky was filled with colorful images. We can only surmise that they were viewing the Northern Light ( aurora borealis )