You are going to hear two pieces of music, one from the 1920s and one from the 1930s. Create a T-Chart recording impressions that the music brings to your mind.
Changing Lifestyles of the 1920s
A lively decade Tensions in American society Prosperous, new luxuries enjoyed by many Americans New forms of entertainment: radio, sports, jazz, movies
New forms of Transportation, cars, planes Women obtained the vote and new freedoms in the workplace and social life Prohibition bans alcohol but illegal bars and organized crime emerged Sports became prominent Increase in consumerism Talking movies replace silent film Flowering of African American culture from Harlem
Choose a topic Get into your group Read about your topic from the handout, answer the questions in your ISN Research more about the topic Create a 5 to 7 minute presentations
On page 61 write the Essential Question: How did changes in _____ of the 1920s affect the United States- then and now? Divide page 61 into three sections and page 62 into four sections. This is where you will take notes on the presentations