The Cap’n Travis Estes Steve Swearingen George Threadgill Andrew Riley
The Team
Problem Statement Our objective was to design a windmill that would generate enough electricity to light up a light bulb. Our objective was to design a windmill that would generate enough electricity to light up a light bulb.
Materials Legos Legos Fan blade Fan blade Copper Wire Copper Wire Block Magnets Block Magnets Light bulb Light bulb All of these materials cost around $30 All of these materials cost around $30
Building Process We began by building a base for a windmill by using legos. We began by building a base for a windmill by using legos. After we had the bottom portion of our structure we ran an axel through the middle and attached 4 magnets to it. After we had the bottom portion of our structure we ran an axel through the middle and attached 4 magnets to it. We then wrapped copper wire around the outside of the legos where our magnets were located We then wrapped copper wire around the outside of the legos where our magnets were located Our final tasks were to attach our fan blade to the axel and connect the light bulb to our copper wire. Our final tasks were to attach our fan blade to the axel and connect the light bulb to our copper wire.
Problems Our first problem was that we did not have enough copper wire wrapped around to produce any electricity. Our first problem was that we did not have enough copper wire wrapped around to produce any electricity. After we fixed that we had trouble deciding which fan blade we were going to use to catch the most wind. After we fixed that we had trouble deciding which fan blade we were going to use to catch the most wind.
Conclusion In the end we were able to create a successful windmill that lit up our light bulb. In the end we were able to create a successful windmill that lit up our light bulb. The problems that we ran into were small and easily fixed. The problems that we ran into were small and easily fixed. Our windmill was able to produce 2.35 volts. Our windmill was able to produce 2.35 volts.