Dramatic Commentary AND Ground Plans
Ground Plan Audience with arrow Entrance and exit Stage Key Opening positions of characters Viability (roughly to scale and no obstructions to sight lines
audience B Key B – Betty A – Abby M - Mercy bed - flat - chair - window - entrance/exit Naturalistic set of ‘The Crucible’ – Boxed set chest A M
Audience ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - curtain - chair - entrance/exit B Minimalist set ‘The Crucible’ Key B – Betty A – Abby M - Mercy bed
1 st Column Notes for Actors Do You Have: Stage Position (USL, CS…..) Voice terms (pitch, pace, tone, volume, intonation, clarity, register, accent, articulation, fluency) Movement terms (gestures, facial expression, body language, use of levels, use of space, posture) Feelings/Emotions towards others
2 nd Column Justification Why are they in that stage position? Why is their voice like that? Why are they moving like that? Why do they feel these emotions/feelings? Show an understanding of the whole play – of that character’s motivation – the reason behind their actions. Keep asking WHY???
3 rd Column Technical Effects - LIGHTS AN EXAMPLE: 4 fresnel lanterns hanging at a 45 angle to give a wash of light at level 4. As the scene progresses, the light increases as the day progresses. One profile lantern with a gobo of a window projected on the cyclorama. An amber gel on the lantern to represent sunlight. At level 4 increasing to level 7 to show morning progressing and sun coming up.
Sound Fxs AN EXAMPLE Sounds of hymns rising from the parlour below as Rev Parris leads a psalm to remind the audience of the prevalence of religion. Piece of classical music building up to a crescendo to increase tension and create a sombre, tense mood and atmosphere. As this is a farm, we hear the farmyard dogs barking as Giles Corey and Francis approach the house out of the darkness.
Notes for actors Stage PositionWHY?LIGHTING VoiceWHY?SOUND FXS MovementWHY?MUSIC Emotions/ Feelings about others WHY? JustificationTechnical FXs