Healing with the conch shell & obsidian stone. Juan carlos Solano Alcocer “Xihuacatl”
My path in receiving this medicine.
Healing with the conch shell and obsidian stone This healing facilitates the cleaning of our energy or tonalli, allowing us to take control of our consciousness and emotions, filling us with light and clarity to harmonize our lives.
Elements that enable healing The first element is the obsidian stone (Ixtli) that helps connect us with our most inner-self, with our darkside, to see our true façade (our true emotions) being conscious of our existence. The obsidian represents the strength of tezcatlipoca, our consciousness, our dark side, the connection to our ancestors that guide us, it is the connection to the direction of the North and water element.
The second element is the conch shell or atecocolli, the sound enters us at a cellular level to clean them, fill them with light and consciousness; it holds the strength to harmonize your life, much like the work of the obsidian stone. The conch shell or atecocolli, represents the strength of Q uetzalcóatl, who represents cosmic wisdom, the direction of the East and wind element.
Uniting these two elements in a sacred manner helps us balance our entire being, leading us toward peace and harmony; having clarity in our minds and strength in our spirit to begin making changes in our lives. Much like a light bulb that requires a balance of both positive and negative energy in order to shine.
Tlazohcamati Gracias Thank you