Science Process Skills How to think and act like a scientist
OBSERVING Using one or more of the senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or touching) to find out about objects and/or events. A fact learned directly through the senses; not an interpretation or explanation of what is observed. Can be enhanced by using instruments such as hand lenses or microscopes Two Types Quantitative – measurements using numbers Qualitative – measurements using descriptive words
COMMUNICATING Giving or exchanging information from one person to another person (oral or written) Making drawings, diagrams, pictures, photographs, maps, symbols Constructing tables, charts, graphs Writing reports *Until something is communicated, it isn’t learned!*
CLASSIFYING Begins with observing similarities and differences among objects and/or events in order to group things according to a scheme
ESTIMATING AND MEASURING Quantitative observations using standardized measuring tools or non-standardized measuring tools Measurements may be about Area, length, volume, angle, temperature, time, force, mass, density, speed, etc. Standardized measuring tools: Rulers, balances, graduated cylinders, protractors, thermometers, stopwatches, etc. Non-standardized measuring tools: Paper clips, cups, etc.
INFERRING Draw conclusions based on information that is NOT directly observed; based on past experiences
PREDICTING Are always based on prior knowledge gained through experiences or data that is collected NOT a wild guess – based on observations and inferences To predict accurately, you need to make careful observations and inferences about the relationships between observed events Predictions can be tested to determine their validity
DEFINING OPERATIONALLY Operational definition – definition of an object or event based on your experience with it A “doing definition”
MAKING MODELS Developing a physical or conceptual representation to explain an idea, object, or event Physical models Can be made from clay, paper, boxes, straws, toothpicks, etc. Conceptual models Can be diagram, cross-section, map, formula, etc.