Date: 8/28/2011 Outcome: Students will be able to read and measure liquid volume with a graduated cylinder. Questions: What is a meniscus? Activities: Do NOW! Have a pencil and ruler ready. Safety Contracts, GTKYK sheets collected. Set-up your Science Journal in 12 EASY steps! SJ entry “Map of Lab” / tape in Map SJ entry “Liquid Volume” Practice with graduated cylinders in lab groups HOMEWORK: 1. Measuring Liquids / Measuring Length Sheet due 8/30 2. Missing Items - Safety Contracts, SJs, GTKYK
Table of Contents Unit / Title Date Page Activity Author’s Page Step 2: Turn one page and stop. Step 1: The inside cover and first page should look like this!
Table of Contents Step 3: Reserve both pages by writing Table of Contents at the top. Step 4: Turn one page and stop.
Table of Contents Unit / Title Date Page Activity Author’s Page Step 6: Turn two pages and stop. Step 5: Make your first SJ entry! Lab S&T Map of Lab __.__.__ 1
1 Map of Lab __.__.___ Step 7: Write the title and date of the SJ entry on page 1. Step 8: Tape in your map of the lab. Turn back to Table of Contents and stop.
Table of Contents Unit / Title Date Page Activity Author’s Page Step 10: Turn three pages and stop. Step 9: Make your second SJ entry! Lab S/T Map of Lab __.__.__ 1 Lab S/T Liquid Volume __.__.__ 2
32 Notes on meniscus: Liquid Volume__.__.____ Step 11: Write the title and date of the SJ entry on page 2. graduated cylinder Erlenmeyer flask beaker Step 12: Copy labels and leave room for drawings before the next slide!
graduated cylinder Erlenmeyer flask beaker
What is the volume of liquid in this graduated cylinder?
What is the volume of the liquid in this graduated cylinder?