Measurement of Volume & Pipetting
Definitions Volume: the space a substance occupies. Graduated cylinders: cylindrical vessel that can house a higher volume. Volumetric flasks: glassware used to measure a specific volume. Burettes: long tubes with a stopper (valve).
Pipettes: apparatus that allows liquid to be drawn. Pipette-aids: devices used to assist the pipette to draw the liquid. Micropipetting: devices used to measure and draw smaller volumes. Meniscus: curvature on the surface of a liquid in confined spaces. Measure at the base of the meniscus.
Types of Pipettes Pipette Aid Single Channel Pipettes Multi-channel pipette
Anatomy of a Pipette
Pipette Rules Rules: 1.Never submerge your pipette in liquids. 2.Never go beyond the maximum or minimum volume. 3.Never share pipettes that are designated to your station. 4.Never try to repair your pipette, ask help from a lab manager or PI. 5.Never invert your pipette with liquids in a tip.
Tip Volumes Single & Multi Channel Pipette Tips P20:2µL-20µL P100:10µL-100µL P200:20µL-200µL P1000:100µL–1000µL P50 Multi: 5µL-50µL P100 Multi: 50µL–100µL P100 Multi: 50µL-300µL Serological Pipette Tips 1mL- 50mLs Volume designated by color as show at the top of the serological tips.
Pipetting Web Links How to Use a Pipette Pipette Techniques Pipette User Guide Measuring Volume With Glassware