Why Do We Need The ASO? E. Lessard Collider-Accelerator Department (C-AD) Brookhaven National Laboratory DOE Accelerator Safety Workshop to
ASO-ASE Operations Limits at C-AD Radiation Personnel and public exposure limits Radiation detector interlock testing Access interlock system testing Inspection of activated soil caps Environmental release limits Oxygen Deficiency ODH sensor and alarm testing Fire Fire detection system configuration Fire alarm testing Flammable gas detection system testing 2
ASO-Guide Operations Envelope at C-AD Two operators at controls Trained and qualified operators All work must be planned Environmental compliance Modifications reviewed for safety Controls for industrial hazards 3
4 What Value Does Order Bring To Contractors? To DOE? Summary of bad events that caused shutdown at accelerators: Fire Electrical failure and injury to worker Unplanned radiation levels Electrical / mechanical failure The ASO establishes appropriate operational readiness and change control to avoid these bad events The ASO demonstrates contractor commitment to adhere to ASE Limits and Operations Envelope The ASO improves line accountability The ASO increases worker involvement in safety
Without The Order, What Regulatory Framework Would Accelerators Operate Under? NRC would regulate non-incidental radioactive materials Intentionally produced materials such as medical radionuclides No authority to regulate possession or operation of accelerators OSHA references DOE ASO Guide in SHIB OSHA would regulate accelerator operations if not done by DOE OSHA would regulate incidental radioactivity if not done by DOE ESH rules that apply to accelerators with or without the ASO 10 CFR 835, DOE Regulations for Radiation Workers 10 CFR 851, DOE Regulations for Worker Safety and Health - ASME for pressure and vacuum vessels - OSHA for lasers, ODH, LOTO, electrical safety, non-ionizing radiation, egress, confined spaces, fire protection … 10 CFR 40, EPA Regulations Other DOE Orders?
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400 DOE Accelerator Occurrences Out of 54,000 DOE Occurrences Since ASO 7
Significant Accelerator Events World-Wide Explosion, Cambridge, MA, 1965 Radiation Exposure, Protvino, Russia, 1978 Radiation Exposure, PRC, 1985 Therapy Over-Exposures, Zargoza, Spain, 1990 Radiation in Uncontrolled Area, AGS, 1990 Radiation Exposure, Hanoi, 1992 Electrical Arc Flash, FNAL, 1997 Electrical Arc Flash, SLAC, 2004 Electrical Arc Flash, C-AD, 2006 Radioactive Contamination, Holifield, 2008 Electrical / Mechanical Failure, CERN,
Significant DOE Accelerator Fires in ORPS Transformer, FNAL, 1991 Capacitor in Pulse Forming Network, SLAC, 1992 High Voltage Cable to Ion Pumps, SLAC, 1994 Power Feed Cable, NSLS, 1997 Capacitor in Pulse Forming Network, NSLS, 1999 Capacitor in Pulse Forming Network, SLAC, 2003 Transformer, SLAC, 2003 Capacitor in Power Supply, AGS, 2004 Vacuum Pump, APS, 2006 Capacitor in Pulse Forming Network, SLAC, 2009 Capacitor in Pulse Forming Network, ATF,
DOE Accelerator Environmental Events All Had Zero or Negligible Offsite Impacts Tritium in Groundwater, SLAC, 1992 PCB Spill, NSLS, 1997 Tritium in Groundwater, BLIP 1998 Tritium in Groundwater, AGS, 1999 Legacy PCB Spill, ORELA, 2000 Tritium in Surface Water, FNAL,
Trends in Long-Term Performance at C-AD