BOFIT, Suomen Pankki Comments on "The International Transmission of Shocks: Foreign Bank Branches in HongKong during Crises” by Simon Kwan, Eric.T.C. Wong and Cho-hoi Hui Conference on China’s Financial Intermediation City University of Hong Kong, Laura Solanko
Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank – Bank of Finland The paper in short Uses bank branch level data 2004m1-2012m12 – Foreign bank branches, N=89, T=108 – Balance sheet data on loans, deposits and liquidity position as well as net due to banks/offices overseas Analyses changes in each variable between periods of shocks and of relative calm Analyses differences with respect to the country of origin of the bank No evidence on liquidity hoarding by foreign branches in HK… But foreign branches from crisis countries lend less than other foreign bank brances Laura Solanko2
Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank – Bank of Finland Some reflections … Methodology – OLS with one dummy variable is not D-i-D – Are all eurozone banks equal? – Did interest rate differentials play any role? Data – How many banks from the US / eurozone? – How do you treat UK banks? – Role of different time periods T=6 with periods varying from 2m to 12m – Is some additional bank/branch-level data available (Bankscope?) E.g. are all eurozone banks equal? Laura Solanko3
Suomen Pankki – Finlands Bank – Bank of Finland Some reflections, cont. Literature – Role of foreign banks during the global finance crisis has been analysed previously De Haas and Leyleveld 2014, JMCB De Haas and Van Horen 2013, Rev.Financ.Stud. Implications – What did we learn? – Are foreign banks from crisis countries a large share of HK banking industry? – How did foreign bank branches behave relative to domestic banks? Laura Solanko4