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Library Categories Data Input / Output Data Management (plyr, reshape) Mathematics and Statistics Graphics (ggplot2) Subject Matter Specific
XLConnect XML rhbase sas7bdat Rcpp Packages for reading, writing for various file formats RJSONIO Hmisc RODBC / ROracle foreign RMySQL RWeka Comma Separated Variables
Oracle R Enterprise (ORE) R Being Integrated Into Other Data-Related Products “Both R and SAS are here to stay, and finding ways to make them work better with each other is in the best interests of our customers.”`
IndustryPct. Research24% Higher Education7% Information Technology9% Computer Software7% Financial Services6% Banking2% Pharmaceuticals4% Biotechnology4% Market Research3% Management Consulting3% Total69% Industries / Organizations Using and Creating R
Task Views
R “Machine Learning” Libraries Analytic TechniqueR Package/LibraryAuthorOrganization Support Vector Mach.libsvm (ksvm) Chih-Chung Chang Chih-Jen Lin National Taiwan Univ. + EBay Research Labs Neural NetworksneuralnetFrauke Gunther Stefan Fritsch Epidemiology and Prevention Research nnetBrian RipleyUniversity of Oxford monmlpAlex J. CannonAtmospheric Science Randomized ForestsrandomForestFortran original by Leo Breiman & Adele Cutler, R port by Andy Liaw and Matthew Wiener.Merck Decision TreesrpartTerry M Therneau and Beth Atkinson. R port by Brian Ripley. Mayo Clinic University of Oxford Boosting ModelAdaMark CulpWest Virginia University Maximum EntropymaxentYoshimasha Tsuruoka Timothy Jurka University of Tokyo UC-Davis Bagging, bootstrapadabagEsteban Alfaro-CortesLa Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Latent DiralectsldaJonathan ChangFacebook Naïve Bayese1071David Meyer Evgenia Dimitriadout Vienna University Bayesian NetworkbnlearnMarco Scutari.UCL Genetics Institute Hidden MarkovhiddenmarkovDavid HarteStatistics Research
Graphics ggplot2 car Bayesian DifferentialEquations Econometrics Environmetrics ExperimentalDesign Finance Genetics HighPerformanceComputing MachineLearning MedicalImaging NaturalLanguageProcessing Pharmacokinetics Phylogenetics Psychometrics SocialSciences Spatial TimeSeries Specialized “Domain” Beginner Built-In Some Coverage Packages stats graphics