The Benefits of VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere NOAA Administrator August 24, 2005
2 The Benefits of One NOAA Menu Slide NOAA’s Past & Present Program Review Questions Integrated NOAA NOAA’s Missions & Goals Strategic Plan Corporate NOAA NOAA Budget Current Environment New Congress New DOC & NOAA Leadership US Ocean Action Plan GEOSS Current Environment Tsunami Warning & Mitigation System Harmful Algal Bloom New NOAA Vessels New Satellites & Fisheries Bill Confronting Reality One NOAA Successes Challenges / Opportunities NOAA Leadership’s Role Focus on the Future Benefits of One NOAA Questions
3 The Benefits of One NOAA NOAA’s Past & Present Original Program Review Team Questions February 1, Is NOAA organization aligned with its current missions and future missions? 2. Are there significant imbalances in resources versus requirements? 3. Are we being as efficient as possible in meeting our current and future mission tasking?
4 The Benefits of One NOAA NOAA’s Past & Present Integrated NOAA “Many people with one voice will always speak louder than many people with many voices” Anonymous
5 The Benefits of One NOAA We can not survive without working together. NOAA’s Past & Present Integrated NOAA
6 The Benefits of One NOAA NOAA’s Past & Present NOAA’s Mission & Goals To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and manage coastal and marine resources to meet the Nation’s economic, social and environmental needs Mission Goals: Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond Serve society’s needs for weather and water information Support the Nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation Provide critical support for NOAA’s mission
7 The Benefits of One NOAA NOAA’s Past & Present Update to NOAA’s Strategic Plan An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make the best social and economic decisions NOAA’s 5-Year Strategic Plan—updated in April 2005 NOAA’s 5-Year Research Plan—new in January 2005 NOAA’s 20-Year Research Vision—new in January 2005
8 The Benefits of One NOAA Corporate NOAA The Executive Decision Process NOAA Executive Council (NEC) US, AS, DAS (OA & IA), DUS, OGC, AA’s, NMAO NOAA Executive Panel (NEP) DUS, DAA’s, WMO, PA&E, NMAO, CIO, CFO, CAO, AGO Councils CFO/CAO, CIO, Human Capital, Minority Serving Institutions, Ocean, Safety, Education, International Affairs, Observing Systems, Platform Allocation, Research
9 The Benefits of One NOAA Corporate NOAA
10 The Benefits of One NOAA NOAA Budget Historical Trends ($ in Billions) Senate MarkHouse Mark $4.5 $3.4
11 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment New Congress Committee highlights: Retired: Ernest Hollings Term Limited: Ted Stevens as Senate Appropriations Chair (still a member) New: Thad Cochran—Senate Appropriations Chair New: Richard Shelby (R) & Barbara Mikulski (D)—Appropriations Subcommittee Leaders New: Jerry Lewis—House Appropriations Chair New: Ted Stevens—Commerce Chair New: Inouye—Commerce (co-chair) and Appropriations Committee change: NASA/NSF now part of Senate Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee
12 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment New DOC & NOAA Leadership Commerce Deputy Secretary Dr. David Sampson NOAA Assistant Secretary Dr. James Mahoney Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez
13 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment U.S. Ocean Action Plan Highlights Establish Committee on Ocean Policy Develop Ocean Research Priorities Plan and Implementation Strategy Build an Ocean Observing System Develop and Deploy New State-of-the-Art Research Vessels Continue Support for Market-Based Management of Fisheries Support Accession to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
14 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems Nearly 60 Countries & European Commission More than 40 global organizations Permanent Secretariat & Director in Geneva 15 U.S. agencies, 3 White House offices A distributed system of systems Improves coordination of strategies & observation systems Links all platforms: in situ, aircraft, & satellites Identifies gaps in our global capacity Facilitates exchange of data & information Improves decision-makers’ abilities to address pressing policy issues
15 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment Tsunami Warning & Mitigation System Enable enhanced monitoring, detection, warning & communications Deploy 39 advanced technology DART II buoy stations Expand real-time sea-level monitoring network Increase hazard assessment & community preparedness Commit $40.24M Emergency Tsunami Supplemental over next 2 years $26.74M for NOAA and $13.5M for USGS Provide: Nearly 100% tsunami-warning coverage for U.S. coasts Expanded capability throughout Pacific & Caribbean basins Part of future global observation & global tsunami warning systems
16 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment New England Harmful Algal Bloom NOAA support Monitoring Funding from NOS for sampling Research Seafood Inspection Program Real time tracking of the bloom $540,000 to WHOI Commercial Fishery Failure Determinations Federal Waters closed, sampling underway with FDA & industry partners State waters reopening, possible new wave of cells in ME NOAA coordination, HAB program Public visibility, link to observations Credit: Dr. Don Anderson
17 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment New NOAA Vessels May 28, 2005 OSCAR DYSON was commissioned July 7, 2005 Construction began on FSV3 July 8, 2005 Henry B. Bigelow christened in Moss Point, MS and scheduled to be deployed late 2006 in the Northeast These are significant milestones in the modernization of the NOAA Fleet Henry B. Bigelow Photo by NOAA
18 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment New Satellites & Fisheries Bill Satellite Launches Successful launch of the NOAA-18 polar-orbiting satellite on May 20 from Vandenberg Air Force Base GOES-N geostationary satellite launch has been delayed, anticipated launch in October Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Finalizing Administration Bill Possible roll-out in September
19 The Benefits of One NOAA
20 The Benefits of One NOAA Confronting Reality Moving Ahead “Driving execution will not do it if you have failed to deal with the changing environment affecting your business.” Ex-CEO Harry Stonecipher
21 The Benefits of One NOAA Confronting Reality Positive & ??? “NOAA is one of the best-kept secrets in government.” “It’s remained a collection of somewhat separate agencies as opposed to a coherent whole.” Andrew Rosenberg, member of the Commission on Ocean Policy and former deputy director of NOAA Fisheries. Government Executive, August 1, 2005
22 The Benefits of One NOAA One NOAA Successes NOAA Ship FAIRWEATHER Reactivation Hydrographic Survey Vessel “Integrated Design” Concept Recovered DART Buoy Completed Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations Project
23 The Benefits of One NOAA One NOAA Successes Future Success Coordination of NOAA’s Fellowship and Internships: Website portal to all NOAA fellowship and internship opportunities Electronic alumni database Standardization of application and hiring processes
24 The Benefits of One NOAA Challenges / Opportunities Presenting One NOAA internally and externally Web / Public Affairs / Legislative Affairs, etc. NOAA Private Partnerships Policy NOAA Transition of Research to Application Incorporating Biological Data into Observing Systems Fleet Modernization Plan
25 The Benefits of One NOAA Challenges / Opportunities NOAA Leadership’s Role Instituted Strategic Management Process Established AA for Programming, Planning, and Integration Instituted Matrix Management Practices Restructured Budget Along Cross-cutting Priorities Implemented PPBES Approved new Communications Office Held Town Halls, SES Summits, and Mid Level Retreats Promoted LCDP and NRAP
26 The Benefits of One NOAA Challenges / Opportunities Focus on the Future Completed Operational Ocean Observing System Three Regional Ecosystem Management Pilots in place First Ecosystem Based Fishery Management Plan Operational Climate Monitoring System Carbon, Climate Reference Network Reduce Charting Backlog by 50% One Hour Lead Time for Tornado Forecasts
27 The Benefits of One NOAA Challenges / Opportunities Focus on the Future Real Time Operational Surface Transportation Conditions Reporting System Reduce the Aqua-/Mari-culture Trade Deficit by 50% Operational Bio-detection Network in place Plankton to Whales Operational Phased Array NOAA/FAA Wx/ATC System Operational Next Generation Trawling Gear Replacement
28 The Benefits of One NOAA Challenges / Opportunities Focus on the Future Real Hurricane Intensity Forecasting Improvement Nationwide Operational Air Quality Network Operational National Drought Monitoring System Operational UAV, UUV Support Fleet Assimilation of NASA & NSF Research into Operational Satellites GOES-R First Operational Integrated Environmental Monitoring Satellite System
29 The Benefits of One NOAA Challenges / Opportunities Focus on the Future NOAA Ownership and Operation of the U.S. Earth Observing Satellites Including LANDSAT Operational National Water Quality Network Non-Point Source Reduction Recognized Leadership in Earth Systems Modeling Fishery Capacity Equal to Sustainable Wild Harvest Levels
30 The Benefits of One NOAA Benefits of One NOAA NOAA’s mission has grown complex, involving biological, chemical, and physical issues—all intertwined. Large-scale (regional to global) multidisciplinary studies are necessary to achieve understanding of our environment. One NOAA is critical to completing our mission and solving the major environmental challenges that face our nation and planet.
31 The Benefits of One NOAA What You Should Take Away NOAA’s Future is Bright!!! NOAA is: An Effective, Successful Organization Recognized as a Leader World-wide Critical to Meeting the Nation’s and the World’s Economic and Environmental Challenges Composed of Talented, Experienced and Dedicated People NOAA Is All Of Us Working Together With A Unified Vision & Consistent Message one NOAA
Backup Material
34 The Benefits of One NOAA Corporate NOAA NOAA “Business” Model LEADERSHIP
35 The Benefits of One NOAA What is PPBES? An integrated, requirements-based planning, programming, budgeting and execution system that provides the structure to link NOAA’s strategic vision with programmatic detail and budget development and the framework to maximize our resources while optimizing our capabilities Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution System
36 The Benefits of One NOAA Program Baseline Assessments PLANNING External Inputs Internal Inputs Annual Guidance Memorandum Strategic Plan Update Goal/Council Assessments PROGRAMMING FY/FY/FY/FY/FY Program Plan Evaluation Fiscal & Programming Guidance Program Plan Development PBA Analysis BUDGETING FY President’s Budget Submission to Congress Budget Preparation DOC Review and Adjustment OMB Review and Passback Congressional Appropriation Apportionment and Allocation of Funds Program Decision Memorandum (PDM) EXECUTION Close-out Execute Approved LO / Program Annual Oper Plans Report Results Eval Performance Make Adjustments Performance Plans BOPs Monthly/Qtrly Execution Reviews PPBES Phase
37 The Benefits of One NOAA Timing Is Everything
38 The Benefits of One NOAA FY 2006 Budget Highlights Totals $3,585.8M, an increase of $242.5M or 7.3% above FY06 Current Program 6% or $205M above the FY05 President’s Request 9.2% or $333M decrease from the FY 05 Enacted Provides $53.1 million for Inflationary Costs, Including the 2.3% Pay Raise Fully Funds Planned Satellite Increases for NPOESS and GOES R Funds Fisheries Survey Vessel #4 Invests in Ecosystems Based Fisheries Management Funds Expanded Tsunami Warning Network Expands Climate Observations and Services Improves NOAA Corporate Management and Administration