Tuesday 10/13/15 Journal #14--PSAT Practice Books Section for The Crucible—due Monday HW: 1. please put either links, URLs, or title and author of your 5 sources under your name on the Critical Issue Googledoc—by Friday 2. composition books (journals)—due Monday
Thursday Today we will identify and read elements of parody in order to create your own parody. Journal #15– Parody Malleus Maleficarum-- written in 1486 by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger, and was first published in Germany as an instructional manual on how to identify, interrogate and convict witches How to Spot a Witch Write your own parody—How to Spot a ______________ or The Enemy Within—typed,due next Thursday Simpsons Salem Witch Trials Parody
Journal # Write the definition Parody--an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect. 2. Make a list of as many parodies as you can think of Play Last Man Standing
Friday AP/GT Eng Lang Get a laptop and log in to Googledocs The Simpsons Parody Begin creating your GoogleSite—the real work begins Spend minutes a night Build your page; figure out the layout Begin organizing and adding your sources Write one synopsis and one claim for each source (rhetorical analysis) The Crucible video ALL COMPOSITION NOTEBOOKS DUE MONDAY!!! 15 journals Books Section for Huck and The Crucible