Why do some things float and other things sink?
Can you explain why some things float and others sink? What evidence can you use to support your ideas? Do you have any evidence that is against your ideas? Do you agree with other groups’ ideas? What evidence can you think of to challenge them? 1. Let’s think back!
What happens to the volume of the water when we dissolve salt in it? What happens to the weight of the water when the salt is added? What can you say about how heavy for its size salty water is compared to fresh water? How do you think the salt changes whether things will float or sink in the water? 2. Making salty water
3. Exploring salty water What difference do you notice when the water is salty? How can you explain this difference? What evidence can you use to support what you think? Do your ideas and rules for fresh water work for salty water? What is your group’s best explanation so far for why some things float and other things sink?
4. Plenary: eggstraordinary behaviour What are your ideas about why the egg floats in the middle of the liquid? What do you know about eggs in fresh water and in salty water? What is your best explanation for why the egg floats in the middle? Is there anything you would like to know that would help you decide?