How useful is this source on the negative effect of globalisation in Singapore? It is useful to show that globalisation leads to loss of national identity/ loss of patriotism/ brain drain. Give Examples / Explain.
However, it is limited in showing that this is not a reality as shown in source B which shows that those who are working overseas still keep their identity as Singaporeans. Give evidence / explain. That globalisation is beneficial in other ways is also verified by Source A. Give evidence / explain
This source is not reliable based on its provenance. It is the opinion of a youth and does not represent the views of every person. In addition, his purpose is to condemn globalisation so that his intended audience will not support globalisation. Thus this source is not useful to show the negative effects of globalisation.
However though this source is limited in its usefulness because of its reliability, it is useful to show how some youth look at the impact of globalisation on the family unit.