Summertime Fun Everyone loves performance Shirley Browne, George Ho, Jeff Horner, Kevin London, Philip Mucci, John Thurman
Projects PerfAPI Cache Simulator DOD Performance Optimization Rice/PET Collaboration Benchmarking HPD implementation Graduation
PerfAPI Research gathered on the following platforms –Sun Ultra –Pentium Pro/II –IBM Power Series –MIPS R10000 –DEC Alpha, Cray T3E –Cray T90/SV1
PerfAPI Standard API to access hardware performance counters Standard set of definitions for performance metrics Resulting in: –Data for performance tool developers –Data for tuning and evaluating applications –Portable performance tools for every major platform
PerfAPI Research on the user’s needs through Mailing list Web page Collaboration with existing researchers Vendors (Sun, Cray, Digital, SGI) SPDT98/SC98 poster
PerfAPI - Coming this fall Draft API by 8/31 released to mailing list 9/31 revisions incorporated into a tech report 10/31 implementations for MIPS and Ultra 11/31 Implementations for IBM and Intel 12/31 Implementations for Alpha 12/31 Portable hardware counter based prof
Cache Simulator Motivated by the need for information correlated with the source code and run- time reference patterns Redesign into object oriented structure and raw output format Statistical reduction techniques GUI design Parser design
Cache Simulator GUI written in Java Parsers written using Octave from Edinburg. (?) Tool will allow browsing and instrumentation of source Reporting will be done with perl scripts Money from Sandia pending Conflict matrix adopted by IBM/Watson
DOD Performance Optimization Optimization Tutorial and Poster at User’s Group Meeting Visit to ASC to help scalability of Cobalt Putting together a performance team with a suite of in-house tools. Meeting at Rice to direct a possible collaboration with Rice on run-time data collection for optimization.
DOD Performance Optimization Upcoming tutorial at ARL 2 day + 1 day workshop Speaking at annual ARL UGM Work with Cobalt, MAGI, GAMESS, HELIX Developers reluctance! Lack of tools! PET lead?
DOE Benchmarking Attended Weather/Climate modeling conference in June. Need for standardized benchmarks Complete lack of understanding of performance Opportunity for UT involvement Meeting in September at NCAR Virgin territory?
Benchmarking Modifications to 3 benchmarks plus a new one. –MPBench –BLASBench –CacheBench –ClockBench Standardized options and graph generation Integration into a Low-Level suite
Benchmarking MSRC Machines Completed benchmark runs for BlasBench, CacheBench and MPBench on all the MSRC platforms. In the Process of finishing Dedicated Runs of the ParkBench Suite. Made graphs of the results and added them into the BenchRib repository.
MPBench –Add alltoall test –Dynamic memory allocation –NUMA measurement –Cache flushing code
Benchmarking BLASbench –Addition of solvers CacheBench –Latency benchmark ClockBench –Timer accuracy
HPD Implementation Elimination of Dolphin as a solution provider Received front end parser Building distributed Perl framework DBX/GDB as backends