STMA JO Parents Meeting October 6 th, 2015
Board Members Candice Gaston- Chair & YDT Co-Coordinator Molly Krystosek-Co-Chair Jill Anderson- Coaching Coordinator Kristen McAloon/Lesliegh Schmitz- CoSecretary Michele Jensrud –Treasurer Cindy Rohr – Scheduler Teresa Holm-Fundraising Coordinator Megan Jernberg/Jamie Scherber- Equipment/Uniform Coordinator Chad Fritz- Volunteer Coordinator Jeff Palmer- Website Coordinator Jackie Dold- Concessions Coordinator Jackie Dold/John Odegard- YDT Co-Coordinator
New Board Members New members needed Looking for new ideas Lots of growth and learning Contact us if interested Volunteer Hours
Mission Statement STMA JO’s program is committed to the development and promotion of girl’s volleyball within the St. Michael-Albertville area. The program provides an opportunity for girls ages 10 through 15 to play volleyball year round, thus allowing them to learn new skills and develop skills already acquired. The goals of STMA JO’s coaches goes further than just teaching volleyball skills, but includes teaching important life skills such as responsibility and teamwork. The program also emphasizes the importance of good sportsmanship, teamwork, and individual achievements within a fun, competitive, and safe environment.
Vision for STMA Juniors Continue to raise the level of play and competitiveness Level of training/coaching Competitive scheduling Physical training for health and performance Josh Malin- Malin Enterprises, LLC Provide opportunities for the maximum number of STMA volleyball athletes
On the Court Player Expectations Be ready to be challenged and pushed If you just want to hang out with your friends, this isn’t the right place for you Take ownership of your development and choices Getting better – coaches part, players part Commit to the team Manage all commitments so that team doesn’t miss you unnecessarily Maximize opportunities Mentally prepared for practice Take advantage of physical training
Coaches 15’s Rachel Jobes Johnson & Kris Spaeth 14 Blue Rachel Knutsen, with HS Assistant 14 Gold Allie Knutsen, with HS Assistant
Coaches 13 Blue Lindsey Johnson, assisted by Marah Arndt 13 Gold Deanna Spier, assisted by Bayley Woolhouse 12 Blue Estee Kolles, parent assistant 12 Gold TBD
Tentative Practice Schedule Mondays,Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Practice times 6-8pm or 7:30-9:30pm Main school will be MSE but there might be times when other schools will be used. Schedule will be posted on the web site:
15’sTeam Breakdown 40+ Practices Uniform NCR Fees Training Sessions 10+ Events Coaches fee Administration Fees
15’s Payment Plan Payment amounts: Cashed Date 1 st pmt $ Player/Parent/Coaches 2 nd pmt $ Jan 1 st, rd pmt $ Feb 1 st, th pmt $ March 1 st, th pmt $ April 1 st, th Pmt $ May 1 st, 2016 TOTAL $
Tentative Tournament Schedule January Thaw 2 STMA Tournaments Presidents Day NCR Area /NLQ 2 Rochester Tournaments
14’s Team Breakdown 35+ Practices Uniform NCR Fees Training Sessions 10+ Events Coaches fee Administration Fees
14’s Payment Plan Payment amounts: Cashed Date 1 st pmt $ Player/Parent/Coaches 2 nd pmt $ Jan 1 st, rd pmt $ Feb 1 st, th pmt $ March 1 st, th pmt $ April 1 st, th Pmt $ May 1 st, 2016 TOTAL $
Tentative Tournament Schedule January Thaw 2 STMA Tournaments Presidents Day NCR Area 2 Rochester Tournaments
13’s Team Breakdown 35+ Practices Uniform NCR Fees Training Sessions 9+ Events Coaches fee Administration Fees
13’s Payment Plan Payment amounts: Cashed Date 1 st pmt $ Player/Parent/Coaches 2 nd pmt $ Jan 1 st, rd pmt $ Feb 1 st, th pmt $ March 1 st, th pmt $ April 1 st, th Pmt $ May 1 st, 2016 TOTAL $900.00
Tentative Tournament Schedule 1 STMA Tournament Presidents Day NCR Area 2 Rochester Tournaments Metro Tournaments
12’s Team Breakdown 30+ Practices Uniform NCR Fees Training Sessions 9+ Events Coaches fee Administration Fees
12’s- Team Breakdown Payment Amount Cashed Date 1 st pmt $ Player/Parent/Coaches 2 nd pmt $ Jan 1 st rd pmt $ Feb 1 st th pmt $ March 1 st th pmt $ April 1 st 2016 TOTAL $750.00
Tentative Tournament Schedule 1 STMA Tournament Presidents Day (Multi-day, Multi-location) NCR Area Tournament Rochester Tournament Local Tournaments (St. Cloud, Maple Grove, Etc.)
YDT Extended Season (12’s) Gym time Uniforms Coaches NCR fees Tournaments 2-3 Playdates 2-4 Tournaments
YDT Extended Season (12’s) Payment Schedule ($500.00) Nov 20th (try out) $50 Nov 22nd (1st practice) $225 Feb 3 rd (2nd payment) $225
CONTRACT AND INDIVIDUAL CODE OF CONDUCT 1. I will treat all STMA teammates, coaches, and STMA parents with respect. 2. I will show fairness and respect towards all opponents (players and coaches,) spectators, officials, and facility staff. 3. I agree to respect the property of others (teammates, hotels, gyms, locker rooms, vans and cars, restaurants…) and to pay for all damages for which I am responsible.
CONTRACT AND INDIVIDUAL CODE OF CONDUCT Cont 4. I agree to NEVER leave the site of a STMA event without the knowledge and permission of my coach. This includes practice/playing sites, restaurants, hotels, etc. 5. I agree to be responsible for knowing, and following through with, these details pertaining to my team and self: The time and location of each week’s events Knowledge of my own travel plans Being on time to all events (entirely ready at start time) Bringing a ball to every practice and tournament Informing my coach, at the very latest, by the WEDNESDAY BEFORE if I will not be attending an event or will be late or leave early relating to any weekend event(s) Notify the coach ahead of time if I will not be attending a practice due to illness, conflicts, or academic concerns
CONTRACT AND INDIVIDUAL CODE OF CONDUCT Cont 6. I agree to NOT be in possession of, or use, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or any other illegal substance while involved in any part of any STMA VOLLEYBALL. I also agree not to be found in the presence of these substances; if I am I will be found equally at fault. 7. I agree to NOT engage in any illegal activities of any sort. 8. I understand that VIOLATION OF THESE CODES (#6 and #7) will result in strict disciplinary action including likely dismissal from the team. This disciplinary action will be at the discretion of the STMA Juniors Board. In case of dismissal, there will be NO financial reimbursement.
CONTRACT AND INDIVIDUAL CODE OF CONDUCT Cont 9. I agree to meet my financial requirement IN FULL. Payments are due by the schedule of payments set by STMA...unless the director or treasurer has approved an alternative payment plan. Failure to abide by the terms of payment plan will result in termination. This includes the $200 volunteer check. Payments not turned in on the night of the Player/Parent/Coach meeting will be charged a $35 late fee.
CONTRACT AND INDIVIDUAL CODE OF CONDUCT Cont 10. I agree to the STMA Juniors Refund Policy. Refund Policy- STMA Juniors WILL NOT offer any refunds for club volleyball athletes once the season has started since the loss of an athlete cannot be easily replaced once all club athletes have committed to their teams. Therefore, STMA Juniors defines the start of the season as the team’s first practice and not the team’s first tournament. However, should an athlete become injured before February 1 st and unable to finish the season the club may decide to prorate the remaining fee based on expenses incurred by STMA Juniors on behalf of your daughter, but this is at the discretion of the board. If the injury occurs after February 1 st no refund will be offered. Legal action may occur if payment policies are not followed as stated.
CONTRACT AND INDIVIDUAL CODE OF CONDUCT Cont 11. I agree to this attendance policy: 2 nd unexcused absence (practices or tournaments) will put me on probationary status. 3rd unexcused absence will result in repercussions, possibly including dismissal without reimbursement. NOTE: This is a NEW policy; the purpose is to train DEDICATED players who will attend all required practices and tournaments. Examples of an excused absence are sickness, school functions, and family vacations. If you are unclear of this please contact the STMA Juniors Board. 24 hour notice must be given for an absence to be excused (excluding illness). I agree that the decision of the STMA Juniors Board will be final in these matters of probation or dismissal, and agree that they reserve the right to use their discretion on a case-to-case basis. Habitual tardiness to events will result in probationary status, including possible dismissal.
CONTRACT AND INDIVIDUAL CODE OF CONDUCT Cont 12. I agree to this Line of Communication This is one of the most important areas for every player, parent, fan and coach to understand. This line of communication will be strictly followed within our program. If your daughter is having frustrations or problems of any kind: 1 st step: Player arranges meeting with coach outside of practice/tournaments. 2 nd step: Parents may contact the coaching coordinator or your daughter’s coach by or by phone. It will be determined at that time if a meeting to discuss the matter is appropriate. If so, this meeting will include: the player, the parent/guardian, the team coach and the Coaching Coordinator from the program 3 rd Step: Contact Chair of the JO Board
Lines of Communication IMPORTANT: Parents or players may not approach the coaches before or after practices and events about an issue unless a meeting has been scheduled. If the matter is related to a specific incident, match, or event, then the parents and/or athlete must wait until 24 hours after the specific incident, match, or event before contacting. If coaches are approached by a parent at an event regarding playing time, the athlete WILL BE removed from the program without a refund.
CONTRACT AND INDIVIDUAL CODE OF CONDUCT Cont Volunteers are vital to our program. The tournaments that we host during the season are essential fundraisers for our program. Each player’s family is expected to work a minimum of 4 hours total for single player families and 6 hours total for multiplayer families, during the tournament weekend. You will be asked to provide a $200 deposit check that will be destroyed after you have fulfilled your commitment. No players or students are allowed to work, nor are young children allowed to accompany parents at their work station. The board will distribute volunteer hours thru Dibbs in February. Board meeting participation, parent helpers, and chaperons will not be eligible for volunteer hours.
EarlyRegistration Forms available on the club website AFTER Oct1st Early Registration (Oct 1st –Oct 27 th ) Tryout Fee $35 made out to STMA JO STMA Registration Form Medical Release (TWO copies ) NCR Registration Form (TWO copies) Code of Conduct Envelopes must be postmarked Oct 27 th to be considered Early Registration
Registration Registration (Oct 28th –November 15th ) Tryout Fee $50 made out to STMA JO STMA Registration Form Medical Release (TWO copies ) NCR Registration Form (TWO copies) Code of Conduct
Open Gyms Dates (Times will be on the calendar) Sunday, November 1 st, 2015 Friday, November 6 th, 2015 Sunday, November 8th, 2015 Location Middle School East
Tryouts Tryouts-MSW Sunday, November 15 th, 2:00-5:00pm 12s and 13’s 5:30-8:30pm 14’s and 15’s
Tryout Cont. Tryout fee and forms must be turned in before tryouts begin. All players must attend unless communicated BEFORE tryouts. If a player is injured or sick please contact the club director ASAP.
Practices in December Tuesday/Thursday Dec 1st and 3rd Tuesday/Thursday Dec 8th and 10th Tuesday/Friday Dec 15th and 18th Tuesday Dec 22nd Possible practices during break.
Parent Helper Coordinate Travel Arrangements Make hotel reservations. Coordinate team meals. team pictures to Website Coordinator.
Fundraising Opportunities Two STMA-hosted tournaments 3/06/2016 (13’s-15’s) 4/03/2016 (12’s and 15’s) Center Cut Meats Dairy Queen
Volunteer Hours $200 Check will need to be turned in along with post dated checks. We will have these hours set up thru our website (DIBS) in January and we will add new hours as they become available. Each family will need to perform 4 hours of volunteer work per player, 6 hours total for multi player families.
Volunteer Hours (cont) If the volunteer hours have been completed at the end of the May your check will be destroyed. Failure to complete volunteer hours will result in cashed check. Any stop payments on checks will result in your daughter not being allowed into the program until all past due amounts have been made current.
Remind for Club To sign up for STMA JO 2016 notifications, please visit Or you can text To:
Website Calendar Dibbs NCR
FAQ Q: If my daughter plays a school sport can she still participate in JO’s? A:Yes Q: If my daughter has a school function/activity on the night of practice will she be penalized? A: NO as long as this is communicated to the coach by the player before hand.
FAQ Cont. Q: When will the tournament schedule be available? A: Usually no earlier than Thursday before the tournament. Q: What is the difference between a Tournament and a Playdate? A: A tournament is an all day event with playoffs. A Playdate is a morning or afternoon session (usually 3 matches) that does not have playoffs.
FAQ Cont. Q: What city are the tournaments in? A: M1- Bloomington Granite City- St Cloud Ralia- Maple Grove Presidents Day- Multiple Locations (possibly Rochester) Crossfire- Bethel Univ/Spring Lake Park HS January Thaw- Minneapolis Convention Center
FAQ Cont. Q: If I have questions about the program who do I contact? (contact s are on website) A: General Questions- Candice Gaston (Club Director) Payment Questions- Michele Jensrud (Treasurer) Staff Questions/Concerns – (Please use the lines of communication policy)
PO BOX Address Please send all registrations to this address STMA JUNIORS P.O. Box 352 St. Michael, Mn