“ 1 out of 4 Sri Lankan school children are suffering due to the lack of nutritious food”
“I wish I can have the tasty food that other kids have. My mother can’t afford to give me a snack for school so I am always hungry..”
Every Jar of Astra Healthy Start will donate LKR ($0.25) to the WFP Zero Hunger School Meal Program Astra Healthy Start- Savoury Spread Range
People We Serve
Tone of Voice UrgentCompassionate Optimistic
Campaign Objectives Communicate key message in a way that inspires action Communicate the urgency of the action required from the target audience Highlight how taking simple steps can change lives
Deliverables + Timelines + Budget Deliverables ATL – TV, Radio, Print and Social Media BTL – Outdoor Visibility PR POSM Packaging Design Budget LKR 45 Million ($346,000) Launch Date 16 th October 2014 (World Food Day)
Thank You