3 Little Pigs Story Video Pupils are to do pig masks for English freeze frame activity Teacher may assign certain pupils to do other character masks for freeze frame
Materials You Need: Construction/Colour paper Scissors Glue Oil Pastels Hole puncher 2 rubber bands
1.Think about the animal you need to make (pig) Imagine a paper plate to be the animal's head. What do you need to decorate the paper plate with to make it more look like a pig or the animal you have in mind? 1.Think about the animal you need to make (pig)
2. Wrap the paper plate with construction paper according to what colour you want the animal to be. You may also colour the paper plate with oil pastels
3. Draw and cut out the head parts On a piece of construction paper, draw and cut out the head parts: Ears, nose and mouth (no need eyes)
4. Using glue, attach the different head parts to the paper plate
5. Personalise your mask, give it some accessories and expression!
6. Cut out holes at the eyes area 7. Punch holes at the side and attach rubber bands. It is now ready to be used!
You may also try: Wolf Mask
For pupils who do not have plates: Printable pig mask http://www.craftjr.com/printable-animal-masks-pig-mask/printable-pig-mask-colorin Printable Wolf mask http://www.makinglearningfun.com/t.asp?b=m&t=http://www.makinglearningfun.com/Activities/FairyTales/3LittlePigs/3PigsMasks/3PigsMask-wolf.gif