November 2003 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems, Glyn Roberts – ST Microelectronics IEEE doc: psc Submission Proposed text for response letter to CCSA request for liason Brian Mathews, PC Chair
November 2003 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems, Glyn Roberts – ST Microelectronics IEEE doc: psc Submission Background ● A letter dated 11-Nov-03 was received by Stuart Kerry from Meimei Dang of the Transmission and Access Research Department of the Institute of Communication Standards Research, CATR in Beijing China requesting a liaison between the CCSA public wireless LAN standard development project in China and the IEEE wireless LAN standards project. ● An activity was begun to draft a response letter encouraging this liaison relation ship. The text of that letter is provided on the following page:
November 2003 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems, Glyn Roberts – ST Microelectronics IEEE doc: psc Submission Proposed response letter text Dear Meimei Dang, Thank you for sending me your letter dated November 11, 2003 requesting establishment of a liaison between the IEEE Working Group and your CCSA public wireless LAN standard development activity. The IEEE standard has been developed with the intention of it being a worldwide international standard. This is why most versions of IEEE have also been published as ISO standards. In fact, several of the amendments to IEEE have been created specifically to address the needs of certain geographic regions around the world. IEEE d, h, and j are examples of this. It is my hope that IEEE can be the global standard for wireless local area networks in every country. Thus, I encourage you to become more familiar with the IEEE 802 standards process and then consider adopting IEEE as the standard for wireless LANs in China. If there are specific country requirements for wireless LANs in China that are not currently addressed by IEEE , then a new Task Group within could be formed to address those requirements. I realize that travel time and expense might be obstacles to this, but the IEEE standards process is flexible and can accommodate much of the work being done outside the regular meetings. Another possibility is for a regular IEEE meeting or a special meeting of the IEEE i group could be hosted in China. In fact, it might be useful to try to arrange a special meeting of IEEE i in conjunction with the other IEEE 802 meetings tentatively being arranged for the week of May 2004 in Shenzhen, China through the company ZTE. [continued on next page]
November 2003 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems, Glyn Roberts – ST Microelectronics IEEE doc: psc Submission Remainder of proposed text To support and encourage the exchange between our groups I am in full support of a liaison relationship with CCSA through Meimei Dang as the liaison individual. Please review the IEEE requirements for a liaison included as an addendum to the end of this letter. As a liaison we look forward to your attendance periodically at IEEE meetings. You can see the meeting schedule and locations listed on the IEEE website. If we proceed forward with this bi-lateral liaison relationship I will solicit a current member to attend your group's meetings. Please let me know your meeting schedule so that I may inform any potential liaison person of when and where they might need to travel. Thank you. Respectfully yours, Stuart J. Kerry Chairman, IEEE Working Group
November 2003 Brian Mathews - AbsoluteValue Systems, Glyn Roberts – ST Microelectronics IEEE doc: psc Submission Conclusion ● This letter text has been reviewed with the group, the TGi chair, and the chair. ● This letter text will be used by the Chair who has the discretion to extend liaison relationships to outside organizations. ● The Chair will coordinate finalization of this letter and transmission to the standards organization in China. ● This will be coordinated with other communications between IEEE 802 to other organizations in China related to standards development.