Ofgem Open Letter – Next Steps Transmission Workstream
2 Immediate issue - QSEC National Grid NTS believes that the September QSEC should be run as planned. However we have evaluated a number of options and would like User input on these. The intention at present is that the auction invitation will be issued on or about the 16 August. Therefore any action to change this timing needs to be undertaken imminently.
3 QSEC Timing Options
4 Workshops Three workshops have been planned to consider the issue of Baselines and associated topics, most notably substitution. Workshop 1:14 August Presentation & discussion on the approach taken to set the current baselines Timeline for reviewing associated issues Workshop 2:17 August Discussion of methodology for setting baselines Interaction with substitution Workshop 3:12 September Presentation of options for setting baselines and approach to substitution
5 Discussion Comments on workshops Timings Content