Flooding Test of Electric Vehicles FAW , CHINA
Flooding test 2 1 Conclusion 2 Outline
3 1. Flooding test 1.1 Test samples vehicle typeEV voltage of the HV system 330V physical dimension length4445mm width1770mm height1550mm Ground clearance 160mm vehicle typeHEV voltage of the HV system 288V physical dimension length4485mm width1745mm height1510mm Ground clearance 160mm vehicle typePHEV voltage of the HV system 330V physical dimension length4615mm width1785mm height1435mm Ground clearance 160mm FAW performed flooding test with 3 kinds of electric vehicles. Sample1 Sample2Sample3
4 1.2 Test procedures Depth of the water : 10cm Driving speed : 20 km/h Driving distance : 500m Driving period of time : 1.5min 1. Flooding test The flooding tests were performed according to the current TF1 draft The isolation resistance tests were complied as section of GTR draft just after flooding and 24 hours after flooding.
5 1. Flooding test 1.3 HV parts condition after flooding a little water lefta lot of water leftno water left After flooding test, water has been left on HV parts, the condition can be described as follows.
6 1.3 HV parts condition after flooding-sample1(EV) OBC HV battery PTC Charging port E-motor Inverter HV part distance to the ground(mm) quantity of water left on the surface HV battery200a lot of water left E-motor240a lot of water left OBC410no water left ACC420a little water left PTC450a little water left DCDC/ PDU 630a little water left Charging port 640a lot of water left Inverter710a little water left ACCDCDC/PDU 1. Flooding test
7 HV part Distance to the ground(mm) quantity of water left on the surface E-motor175a lot of water left ACC220a lot of water left HV battery490no water left Inverter/ DCDC 620a little water left HV battery Inverter/DCDC E-motor ACC 1. Flooding test 1.3 HV parts condition after flooding-sample2(HEV)
8 HV battery E-motor ACC Charging port OBC Inverter/DCDC HV part Distance to the ground(mm) quantity of water left on the surface E-motor200a lot of water left OBC220a lot of water left ACC220a lot of water left Charging port550a lot of water left HV battery650no water left Inverter/DCDC 660a little water left 1. Flooding test 1.3 HV parts condition after flooding-sample3(PHEV)
9 1.4 Test results of isolation resistance for samples Sample 1 ( EV ) using tested condition part DC system (MΩ ) DC charging port ( MΩ ) AC charging port (MΩ) E-motor (MΩ) Display of IC before flooding3.8 > 550 No sigh of alarm just after flooding3.7 > 550 No sigh of alarm 24hours after flooding3.7 > 550 No sigh of alarm Sample 2 ( HEV ) using tested condition part DC system (MΩ)E-motor (MΩ)Display of IC before flooding3 > 550 No sigh of alarm just after flooding2.9 > 550 No sigh of alarm 24hours after flooding2.9 > 550 No sigh of alarm Sample 3 ( PHEV ) using tested condition part DC system (MΩ ) AC charging port (MΩ) E-motor (MΩ) Display of IC before flooding1.7 > 550 No sigh of alarm just after flooding1.7 > 550 No sigh of alarm 24hours after flooding1.6 > 550 No sigh of alarm 1. Flooding test
10 2. Conclusion The three tested electric vehicles can pass the flooding tests according to the test procedures in current TF1 draft. For the 3 tested samples, their HV parts which are at lower position were exposed to a large quantity of water. But,with reasonable design of protection degree against water , isolation failure was not caused during and after flooding test for those HV parts.
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