“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Peter Drucker X’s and O’s or Jimmys and Mary Jos?
DEFINITION Culture is a set of shared values, attitudes, goals and practices in an organization.
It’s who we are. It’s how we do things. It’s how we treat people.
Your culture should be seen, heard and felt. This is who we are. This is how we act.
SELF TEST Why do you coach? Why do you coach the way you do? What is it like to be coached by you?
What is success?
Know the difference between busy and meaningful. (or your influence and impact gets destroyed.)
COMPARE A person with priorities does what matters most. A person without priorities does what is urgent.
WINNING MATTERS But it is not all that matters and it is not what matters most.
LOSING HAS GREAT VALUE Fuels the hunger Teaches valuable lessons 2010 Bama football Keeps you humble Disappointment may lead to something better Peter Thiel
BACK TO CULTURE Be proactive and build a culture (not reactive) Winning cultures still have problems - Not as often - Doesn’t last as long
STEP 1 Decide on your core values What matters the most?
SOME POSSIBLE CHOICES High standards Resilience Character Precision Excellence Communication Servant Work ethic Honesty Work ethic Honesty Toughness Preparation Everybody matters Total Responsibility Leadership Enhancement Teamwork Positive energy Loyalty Passion Commitment
CORE VALUES MUST BE: 1. Well known 2. Lived out 3. Enforced daily
EXAMPLES: Mental toughness is the ability to remain positive and proactive in the most adverse circumstances. We view every difficulty as an opportunity to practice our toughness and togetherness. It’s not about the outcome. It’s about growth and who we are becoming.
A WINNING CULTURE Build it Live it Value it Reinforce it Fight for it
A FINAL THOUGHT ON CULTURE Culture attracts to its image
WRAP UP 1. Athletics is our tool to reach young people. 2. Coaching is what you do. It’s not who you are. 3. Don’t take a step down to coach in college. 4. We need more kids with character, not more kids who can bunt. (Joey Prusak) 5. Character is not something we are born with and cannot change – it is something we are born without and must take the responsibility of forming. – Jim Rohn 6. Focus on building champions – not on winning a championship. 7. Don’t give up on the jerks.
DOES COACHING MATTER? DOES CHARACTER MATTER? Mike DuBose Dennis Franchione Mike Shula Mike Price Nick Saban
BE A GREAT TEACHER Mediocre teachers tell Good teachers explain Superior teachers demonstrate Great teachers inspire
MAKE A DIFFERENCE O ne athlete with character will improve a team. O ne team with character will improve a school. O ne school with character will impact an entire community.
A GREAT CALLING Be good to each other. Be good to yourself.