WHAT IS EARLY YEARS? -Nursery and Reception. -For children aged 3 to 5. -Transition from Nursery to Reception relatively easy as we are an Early Years Unit. -Transition visits for children from other settings. -Morning or Afternoon Nursery sessions. -Two classes in Reception. -Class Teachers / Key Workers
NURSERY TIMES Morning Session 8.40am until 11.40am (doors open at 11.30am) Afternoon Session 12.20pm until 3.20pm (doors open at 3.10pm) Children enter school through the entrance to Nursery (up the ramp). Please inform staff if your child is to be collected by someone other than yourselves.
RECEPTION TIMES 8.50am – 3.10pm Children enter school through the double doors in the Outdoor Area (Under the shelter). On a morning children are brought into school by their parents between 8.40am and 8.50am – doors will shut at 9am prompt. At the end of the day children will be collected at 3.10pm. Please inform staff if your child is to be collected by someone other than yourselves.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education plays an important part. Teaching is based upon a syllabus designed by the Durham Diocesan Board of Education, especially for the Foundation Stage. Other world religions. Daily worship usually takes place within the EY unit. begin to attend the whole school assemblies when in Reception.
DISCIPLINE AND RULES To create a happy, safe, secure and caring environment. The rules are in line with the rest of the school. Parents / carers to support us in encouraging positive behaviour. Parents / carers informed if we have any problems with your child’s behaviour. Home / School agreement.
ATTENDANCE Your child can quickly fall behind in their learning and development - and their progress can become limited if they do not attend regularly. Attendance will be closely monitored throughout the year by Mrs Atkinson (Parent Support Advisor). Attendance target of 96%.
HEALTH Inform school at the beginning of the school day. Inform staff if your child has any specific medical conditions. School will contact parents/carers if a child is ill. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU LET US KNOW IF ANY OF YOUR CONTACT DETAILS CHANGE!
HEADLICE Very common amongst young children. Parents/carers will be informed if live headlice are noticed If there is an outbreak in Early Years we send parents/carers a text message Check your child’s hair regularly Keep long hair in pony tails See Mrs Atkinson/School Nurse for advice if this becomes a regular problem
HEALTHY SCHOOL Every day children are given a carton of milk and a piece of fresh fruit. In addition we often provide nutritious snacks – such as homemade bread or tasting foods from around the world. Children are also encouraged to drink plenty of water throughout the day! Water bottles can be purchased from the office at a cost of £1.30. Bottles are taken home at the end of each day and refilled at home. We ask you for a contribution of 50p per week, so we can continue these activities.
DINNERTIME RECEPTION children are all eligible for Free School Meals under the current governments scheme Vast choice of food provided for school dinners Parents have the choice to provide a packed lunch if they wish
SCHOOL UNIFORM School colours are red, black, grey and white. Sweatshirts, polo-shirts and fleeces with the school motif can be ordered through school. No jeans, trainers, track suits or football style shirts to be worn as uniform. Logo – Order from school office or TESCO (go to school office for further information) No jewellery - watches are allowed. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE name all of your child’s clothing.
EARLY YEARS FOUNDATION STAGE We follow the Statutory Framework for the EYFS which sets the Standards for Learning, Development and Care for children from birth to five years of age. Encourages children in all aspects of their development. At St. Aidan’s we aim to encourage your child to achieve their full potential, in a caring Christian environment. Children will work towards achieving the Early Learning Goals by the end of the Foundation Stage. Carefully planned play opportunities are created to stimulate children’s learning. A child centred approach to learning is adopted as we believe that children learn best when they are interested.
SEVEN AREAS OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT Children usually develop the 3 prime areas first: Communication and language Physical development Personal, social and emotional development As they grow, the prime areas help them to develop skills in the 4 specific areas: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design.
SPECIFIC AREAS 4 specific areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design
KEEPING YOU INFORMED NURSERY - ‘Learning Journey’ files are available to look at in the nursery entrance. RECEPTION – ‘Learning Journey’ books are available in each classroom. Children are working towards the Early Learning Goals whilst completing their own Foundation Stage Profile. Parental Conferences are held in the Autumn and Winter/Spring term. Written report in Summer term – report on completion of ELGs (emerging / expected / exceeding) IF YOU HAVE ANY CONCERNS OR INFORMATION REGARDING YOUR CHILD YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO SPEAK TO YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER AT THE BEGINNING OR END OF THE SCHOOL DAY.
RECEPTION ‘Talk Task’ homework on a Friday night. The homework should only take about 10 minutes and needs to be returned to school after the weekend. Children will share their homework with their friends during the week. On a Friday children will also bring home a reading pack. Reading packs should also be returned to school on Monday morning. NURSERY ‘Home Loan’ homework on a Friday night. The homework is a chosen book to share with your child. ‘Home Loan’ packs should be returned to school on the following Thursday.
EARLY YEARS We hope you and your child enjoy your time at St. Aidan’s Church of England Primary School!