Meet the Teacher Night th and 8 th Grade
Introductions 7 th Grade Teachers –Ms. Miele –Mr. Newland 8 th Grade Teachers –Ms. Buzanowski –Mrs. Takacs
Field Trips/ Fund Raisers We are planning a middle school (7 th -8 th grade) field trip to Washington D.C. We will have a parent meeting to discuss important details and dates. Also, keep your eyes and ears open for upcoming fundraisers and information. * A non refundable $ deposit will be due by the end of September 2011.
Dress Code: Girls 1.Skirts/jumpers/skorts: navy or black (polyester/cotton) dress apparel. No shorter than two inches above the knee. 2.Pants/capris: navy or black (polyester/cotton) dress pants. No denim, cargo pants, corduroy, or skinny jeans. To Meet the Dress Code requirements dress pants may NOT have outside pockets or rivets. 3.Shorts: navy or black (polyester/cotton) dress shorts. No shorter than two inches above the knee. May only be worn in 70 degree or above weather. 4.Cardigan Sweater: white, navy or black. Solid colors only, Trillium logo polo must be worn underneath. No hooded sweaters or hooded zip sweatshirts permitted. 5.Tights: navy, black, or white solid color only. Socks must be a solid white, navy, or black if they are above the ankles.
Dress Code: Girls 6.Belts: navy, brown, or black must be worn with any apparel containing belt loops (for students in grades 7-12). Cutting off belt loops is a dress code violation. 7.Shoes: solid black shoes with non-skid sole. Should be comfortable basic shoes. Spike or Plat-form heeled shoes, sandals or open-toe shoes, slippers, or open-back shoes are not permitted. Black tennis shoes are permitted – must be tied if laces present and shoes must be neat. 8.Long sleeve shirts may be worn under short sleeve uniform shirt but must be a solid color of grey, white, navy, or black. Hooded shirts are NOT permitted underneath uniform shirt. 9.A reasonable number of earrings are permitted. No facial piercings are allowed in grades K-8. Any piercings determined to be a distraction will not be allowed. 10.A reasonable amount of makeup is permitted but may not be a distraction.
Dress Code: Boys 1.Pants/capris: navy or black (polyester/cotton) dress pants. No denim, cargo pants, corduroy, or skinny jeans. To Meet the Dress Code requirements dress pants may NOT have outside pockets or rivets. 2.Shorts: navy or black (polyester/cotton) dress shorts. No shorter than two inches above the knee. May only be worn in 70 degree or above weather. 3.Cardigan Sweater: white, navy, or black. Solid colors only, Trillium logo polo must be worn underneath. No hooded sweaters or hooded zip sweatshirts permitted. 4.Belts: navy, brown, or black, must be worn with any apparel containing belt loops (for students in grades 7-12). Cutting off belt loops is a dress code violation. 5.Shoes: solid black shoes non-skid sole. Should be comfortable basic shoes. Sandals or open-toe shoes, slippers, or open-back shoes are not permitted.
Dress Code: Boys 6.Long sleeve shirts may be worn under short sleeve uniform shirt but must be a solid color of grey, white, navy, or black. Hooded shirts are NOT permitted underneath uniform shirt. 7.Earrings a reasonable number of earrings (1 or 2) and may not be distracting (small studded earrings only). No facial piercings are allowed in grades K-8. Any piercings determined to be a distraction will not be allowed.
Dress Code General Additional guidelines for ALL STUDENTS: All clothing, jewelry, and hair choices should be non-distracting. Trillium Academy reserves the right to determine what is appropriate for the school environment. Good grooming and hygiene are important to the well being of every student and is expected of all students. Hats are not to be worn in the building. Jewelry, if worn, should be lightweight, simple in style, kept to a minimum and not displayed over their uniform. Bracelets and wristbands cannot cover more than 2” of arm.
Dress Code General Hair should be neat, clean, and styled in an appropriate conservative style. No distracting hair color (only natural hair color combinations of blond, brunette, or reds) and / style will be permitted. –No Mohawks (shaved on sides and hair on top) –Faux-hawks no higher than 2 inches are permitted (hair is short on sides and taller on top) –No additional color wheel colors of hair including, purples, blues, greens, pinks –Feathers are permitted if they are minimal. If deemed a distraction student will be asked to remove it. Leggings: Leggings may be worn as tights under skirts. They must be a solid color of black, gray, navy, or white. They may NOT be worn as pants. Skirts must still not be shorter than 2’ above the knee.
Dress Code General Shirts must be neatly tucked into the waistband for grades K-8, If shirt is sloppy and too long or tied up, it will be treated as a dress code violation. No midriffs or tied up shirts are to be worn. All clothes need to be the appropriate size for the student. No visible body piercing (other than ears), fixed ornaments, or tattoos. Tattoos must be covered by clothing meeting the guidelines of the dress code. No facial piercings are allowed in grades K-8. Any piercings determined to be a distraction by administration will not be allowed. No purses or personal handbags will be permitted into class. No backpacks permitted into class in grades Winter attire such as boots, coats, hats, gloves, etc, will not be permitted in class. If these items are worn to school (which we recommend in cold months) they must be removed and proper uniform attire worn to enter the classroom.
Dress Code General Physical Education Attire: All students in grades K-12 need safe play tennis shoes to change into for P.E. Students in grades K-6 are required to wear tennis shoes and grades 5- 6 recommend changing shirts into P.E. uniform shirt. Students in grades are required to change into P.E. Uniform. P.E. uniforms, with exception of tennis shoes, are purchased in the main office and consist of a Trillium Physical Education Dept. T-shirt and shorts.
Power of “I” Grading This grading system puts more responsibility and accountability on the student to do their assignments, turn them in on time, and take pride in their work and grades. This will make them effective students and give them a sense of success. Any assignment that is late or receives a grade lower than 70% is considered an I. All assignments or tests must be a 70% or higher (an A, B or C). If there are any I grades (or missing assignments) the overall grade become an I. Students must redo or complete the assignment to erase the I. Once students properly redo or complete the assignment, they will receive 70%.
Power of “I” Grading All missing and I assignments are due by the end of each unit. If not turned in students will keep their original score on I assignments, or receive a 0% for missing assignments. They will not be able to redo these assignments in the future. There will be a daily lunch detention issued to students who have a missing assignment. They will be required to attend the lunch detention to complete their I assignment. If students fail to show up to lunch detention, or do not complete their missing assignment, they will receive an after school behavior detention for insubordination. If a test is lower than 70%, it must be redone. Students must also write a paragraph explaining why the corrected answer is the correct answer. This will boost their grade to a 70%.
Power of “I” Grading If a student does get an “I” for an overall grade on their report card, their next trimester elective will be to redo all “I” assignments for the class they received the “I” in. Example: student receives an “I” in social studies for 1st trimester- they will retake 1st trimester social studies for their 2nd trimester elective.
Progress Reports Every week beginning Friday, September 23, 2011, each student will be able to view their grades and missing assignments. Each student will be given a student ID number. A chart will be posted in the classroom that will allow students to use their student number to look up their grade and missing assignments. You can also check on-line at any time; your log in information is at the bottom of your student’s schedule. If they have misplaced it, you can check with the office for that information.