Mob/Mot/Mov Move
Au-to-mo-bile De-mote Lo-co-mo-tion Mo-bile Mo-bil-i-ty Mo-bil-ize Mo-tion Mo-ti-vate Pro-mote Re-mo-val
Automobile (n) –A vehicle Self propelled That moves I bought a new automobile that will get me to work and back.
Demote (v) To move –Down in grade, rank or status After loosing the deal, the president was demoted to manager.
Locomotion (n) The ability –To move from place to place Flight is the main locomotion among birds.
Mobile (adj) Capable –Of moving or being moved. After rehab, the patient was once again mobile.
Mobility (n) The quality of –Being able to move around. After the accident, his mobility was limited.
Mobilize (v) To coordinate –People or things for a purpose. We need to mobilize the troops!
Motion (n) An act or ability –Of Changing place or position. - to move You could feel the motion of the earthquake.
Motivate (v) To do –Something good that makes a person move into action. He could motivate a salesman to sell ice to an eskimo.
Promote (v) To raise –To a higher grade, rank, or job. Hard work will get you promoted in life.
Removal (n) An act –Of moving some- thing away. The removal of the trash made the house smell more pleasant.