OBTAINING WIOA COMMON MEASURES BEFORE AND AFTER WDQI Strengthening Washington workforce development data
WA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Employment Security Department (ESD) Title 1B, Wagner-Peyser, TAA and TRA State Board for Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC) AEFLA, numerous public post-secondary training programs Vocational Rehabilitation Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (General) Department of Services for the Blind (Blind) Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board (WTECB) Evaluation, coordination, ETPL, private career schools
DVR UNDER WIA DVR did not participate in WIA workforce measures ESD and DVR Data Sharing Quarterly UI wage data placed in DVR data warehouse ESD customer service data, matched to DVR customers Select WTECB system-wide evaluations Net Impact Studies (Upjohn Institute) Annual Workforce Training Results reports
ESD AND DVR DATA SHARING DVR uses UI and ESD customer service data to: Match DVR customers to self-service and staff-service provided through One-Stop Centers Track customers’ employment and earnings after closure DVR and Research & Data Analysis (RDA): Longitudinal employment outcomes monitoring Aggregates by disability type and closure year
WDQI IN WASHINGTON Phase 2 and Phase 6 WDQI Phase 2 has no legacy impact on DVR WDQI is a joint venture between: Employment Security Department The Education Research Data Center (ERDC), operated by the Office of Financial Management (OFM) WDQI Phase 2 strengthened ERDC
ERDC ERDC warehouses individual education and workforce records, from numerous partner agencies, in one research database Foundational efforts incorporated selected UI wage data Dubbed the “P-20/Workforce” or “P-20W” longitudinal data system, ERDC contains 6 million preschool-to-career records
ERDC EDUCATION DATA SOURCES State-funded early learning programs Public K-12 6 public baccalaureate institutions Community and technical colleges Adult basic education (AEFLA) Professional educators standards and certifications Began inclusion of UI wage data for education participants
2009 ARRA SLDS EXPANSION Further inclusion of all UI wage and claimant data for education participants Links to WIA Title 1B, Wagner-Peyser, TAA and TRA administrative data System improvements (e.g. standard matching procedures)
WDQI PHASE 2 IMPROVEMENTS Phase 2 strengthened ERDC by including all UI and ESD customer service data All comprehensive UI and claimant data Standard procedures for anomalous or missing data Expanded research and analytical formats Standardized aggregate reporting for system-wide research and evaluation
PROPOSED PHASE 6 EXPANSION Import of all WIOA core program enrollment date data, with identity matching Standard data marts for efficient training, outcomes, and ETPL reporting Enhanced data quality and completeness Analysis of external cohorts not in ERDC External FEDES & WRIS2 matching
CONSIDERATIONS Logistics challenge – MIS coordination VR program will be customer of WIOA performance reports Data unavailable for real-time VR evaluation PETS and critical education data Evaluating PETS to noncustomers Providing a continuum of VR services
CONCLUSION Thank you to Dave Pavelchek, WTECB Deputy Director, and Cynthia Forland, ESD Labor Market and Performance Analysis Division Director, for their insights and consultation. Please direct all inquiries to Andrew K. Clemons, of the Washington Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Washington Workforce Development Links Education Research & Data Center Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board Employment Security Department State Board for Community & Technical Colleges Washington Workforce Association TANF: WorkFirst ht tp:// Department of Services for the Blind Division of Vocational Rehabilitation rehabilitation