You will be creating a cartoon in Adobe Illustrator using the paintbrush tool You will learn about layers, different brushes, and different strokes To start, we will begin by downloading the picture from -digital-art.html -digital-art.html
I am using this picture of my sweet baby for my source image. You will also be using this picture!!
I can see my brush options by going to Window> Brushes
The small button that looks like file folders is your brush library Clicking on that opens up all of your brush options We will start with the Artistic_Caligraphic brushes
You can see that when you choose a new brush, it opens it in another window Now choose your brush tool from the tool bar on the far left of your screen
Open the layers menu through Window> Layers Create a new layer by clicking on the button that looks like a piece of paper
Now you can add new layers to make it easier to draw. I put the black parts of the eye on one layer and the blue part on another layer You can select and deselect layers by clicking on the eyeball ***If you forget to make a new layer, you can cut and paste to take a shape from one layer to another.
The idea is to continue drawing by tracing some parts and adding some of your own. Be original, don’t just trace the image exactly as it appears. DETAILS are key VARIETY of BRUSHES and STROKE SIZES are key