An Update on the Establishment of the Campus Presentation to the UWIDEC Staff, Mona on Wednesday 7 th November 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

An Update on the Establishment of the Campus Presentation to the UWIDEC Staff, Mona on Wednesday 7 th November 2007

◦ School of Continuing Studies (SCS) ( Provides professional dev. programmes; continuing education, access to mature learners ) ◦ Tertiary Level Institutions Unit (TLIU) (Concerned with Institutional capacity building, inter-institutional arrangements e.g. Franchising) UWI Distance Education Centre (UWIDEC) (Delivery of UWI programmes by distance) GOAL : To improve service to the UWI 12 and ‘underserved’ communities in campus countries

As a network of virtual and real resources to empower UWI to expand the reach and range of its services into all “underserved” communities. THE UWI OPEN CAMPUS

To create an Open Campus to enable the University to expand the scope, enhance the appeal and improve the efficiency of its service to the individuals, communities and countries which it serves (p.31)

Campus Council F&GPC Academic Board In keeping with UWI Statutes & Ordinances Constituted along lines similar to other Campus Councils – wider rep. from Countries Parallel Structure with other campuses With wider representation from Countries To regulate the academic activity of the Campus

A Registry A Bursary Student Services To manage a distributed environment To manage the financial affairs Regular services – admissions etc Special needs

 Policy formulation for managing, developing and implementing open and flexible learning Establish a viable and sustainable financing mechanism Establish policy for managing / building inter-institutional relationships / partnerships Create student- centered learning environment Increase access to UWI programmes & services Prepare administrative and organisational structure Establish and Operationalise the Open Campus

Learning resources Course & Programme Delivery External Relations & Institutional Collaboration c Student Instructional Design & Development Subject expertise (UWI Campuses and elsewhere) Delivered using ICT Other TLIs Technical Services

9 UWI OPEN CAMPUS DRAFT FUNCTIONAL CHART (Revised) School for Lifelong Learning Specialised Units Academic Programming Student Services Administration Human Resource Management Property Management Records Management Office Services Market Needs Assessment Programme/ Course Development Programme Delivery & Facilitation Student Services Community Outreach Programme Planning & Coordination Curriculum Development Instructional Development Programme Delivery (incl. Student Support) Research Programme/ Course Development Programme Delivery and Facilitation Student Services Community Outreach Admissions Prior Learning Assessment Examinations Student Records Student Welfare Special Needs Student Guild External Relations &Inter-Institutional Coordination Strategic Partnership Building Government. Relations Institutional & NGO Relations Franchising Articulation Institutional Capacity Bldng. Principal and Pro-Vice Chancellor Deputy Principal Computer and Technology Services Website Development & Maintenance Quality Assurance Marketing & Communication Office of the Principal Research Consulting Institutional Evaluation Income Generation, Grants and Endowments Planning and Development Alumni Relations Management Audit Financial Management Library & Information Resources

10 UWI OPEN CAMPUS PROPOSED ORGANISATION CHART (1) Dean Academic Programming Registrar Student Services Director External Relations &Inter- Institutional Collaboration Principal and Pro-Vice Chancellor Deputy Principal Computing & Technology Svcs. Website Development & Mtnce. Marketing & Communications Quality Assurance Office of the Principal Research & Evaluation Consulting Institutional Evaluation Planning and Development Income Generation, Grants & Endowments Alumni Relations Management Audit Asst. Registrar Recruitment & Admissions Asst. Registrar Assessment & Awards Asst. Registrar Student Support Deputy Dean Pre-University & Professional Dev. Programmes Deputy Dean Undergraduate Programmes Deputy Dean Postgraduate Programmes Head Curriculum Development Sr. Programme Officer (3) Director School for Lifelong Learning Heads of Lifelong Learning Country Sites [15] Programme Officer Administrative Asst. Course Delivery & Student Services Technical Asst. Communication & Services Director Specialised Units Heads of Specialised Units [6] Research Assistant Programme Assistant Project Officer (3) Campus Librarian Finance & Administration (see Org. Chart (2))

Office of the Principal / PVC Office of the Deputy Principal Finance & Administration Student Services Academic Programming Open Campus School for Lifelong Learning Country Sites IT & Technical Services External Relations & Inter- Institutional Relationships Library & Information Resources Research & Special service units

12 UWI OPEN CAMPUS PROPOSED ORGANISATION CHART (1) ACADEMIC PROGRAMMING DEAN ACADEMIC PROGRAMMING Deputy Dean – Pre-University/ Professional Deputy Dean – Undergraduate Programme Officer (2) Administrative Assistant Clerical Assistant Deputy Dean – Postgraduate Programme Officer (2) Administrative Assistant Clerical Assistant Deputy Dean – Special Projects Curriculum Development Specialist Asst. Curriculum Dev. Soecialist Web Developer Clerical Assistant Administrative Assistant Secretary Director – Curriculum Development (See over) Programme Officer (2) Administrative Assistant Clerical Assistant

13 UWI OPEN CAMPUS PROPOSED ORGANISATION CHART (1) CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Curriculum Development Team – Cave Hill Curriculum Development Specialist Asst. Curriculum Dev. Specialist)2) Web Developer (Moodle) Web Developer (Animation) Production Assistant 1 Production Assistant 2 Graphic Artist Clerical Assistant Office Attendant Project Management Assistant Clerical Assistant Curriculum Development Team – Mona Curriculum Development Specialist Asst. Curriculum Dev. Specialist)2) Web Developer (Moodle) Web Developer (Animation) Production Assistant 1 Production Assistant 2 Graphic Artist Clerical Assistant Office Attendant Curriculum Development Team – St. Augustine Curriculum Development Specialist Asst. Curriculum Dev. Specialist)2) Web Developer (Moodle) Web Developer (Animation) Production Assistant 1 Production Assistant 2 Graphic Artist Clerical Assistant Office Attendant DEAN ACADEMIC PROGRAMMING

14 Head Computer & IT Services Core Technical Team (Software / Programme Development, Etc. Support Technical Team Cave Hill Campus Support Technical Team Mona Campus Support Technical Team St. Augustine Campus

TaskStatus Creation of CampusApproved by Council Establishment of UWIOC CouncilCompleted, Chair Selected & Approved Other UWIOC Committees (F&GPC, Academic Board, Appointments Committee) In rough draft – to be refined & submitted for approval (Feb. 2008) Organisational StructureDrafted, currently being presented to staff for discussion. Approval (Feb 2008) Establishment of HR Needs, Preparation of Staff Profiles Completed – all tiers. Currently being discussed (Approval Feb. 2008) Preparation of Business / Operational Plan Beginning stage – draft to be completed by December 2007 for Approval in Feb 2008 Marketing and PromotionDraft Package and Budget complete – currently being discussed

PolicyStatusTarget Approval date Consensus policy for DE / Online Delivery Drafted by representative UWI group; circulated for discussion November 2007 Policy for procurement & development of DE Programmes – Inter- campus To be drafted and circulated for discussion January 2008 UWIOC Policy on “open” admission To be refined and circulated for comment November 2007 Financial policy on cost of services and fee structure In progressDecember 2007

ActivityStrategyTarget Date Review Franchise management of UWI programmes Consultation with Faculties / Departments Draft UWI-consensus policy (in progress) December 2007 Decide on roles, responsibilities of four campuses Consultation and negotiation First round of meetings in progress. Agreements by Jan 2008 Engagements with Campuses Consultations / presentations In Progress – First round completed by December Engagements with governments Follow-up consultations and developing work plans (In progress) April 2008 Other partnerships (CKLN, U-TECH, UG, etc) Consultation and negotiation to collaborate…. Ongoing – Initial agreements with CKLN under consideration

Establishing the Open Campus Strategy for Improving service to communities Create a student-centred Learning Environment Prior Learning Assessment Set up mechanisms for remediation Train E-Tutors & E- Advisors Cater to Special needs Create Virtual and geophysical communities Implement student information system Establish clear procedures for academic policies Organise orientation on assessment, fees etc. Develop regional support structure for ICT delivery of programmes & services Establish a 24/7 HELP CENTRE